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South Australia
Member Since:Apr 25, 2002
0 MS Points
==================================== 25-04-03, 02:33 am CST ==================================== I AM BACK! Holla people, i have been dormant for nearly a year but now i return to what i love doin most - writing reviews! So be sure to check out my reviews often! and do please leave comments. Also just like to tell ya all...i have moved to Adelaide, Australia! - Sahil! ====================================. ================ 27-04-03, 11:05 am CST ================ Uploaded a new picture after loooooooooooooooong time! HEhe Catchas l8r! Sahil! ========
About Me
Education: High School
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Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL)
Reviewed War on Iraq: Case For 'No'
Note: I am very sorry if any of my comments in this review hurt someones feelings. But all I am trying here is to get my point across! Like many other Read more...
So close to Perfection!
Reviewed Sachin Tendulkar
note: A lof of people may not agree with my negative views in this review, please dont be offended and remember that this is JUST my point of view. NeaRead more...
Nokia - Logy!
Reviewed Nokia 6210
Shining silver, sleek and slim, light as a feather and cool technology is just about how one can sum up the Nokia 6210. I am not a big time mobile user but I Read more...
Internet In A Nutshell.
Reviewed My Ten Favorite Web Sites
Well, before I start off with my list of ten of the best websites on the internet, let me state that ,Choice is Subjective.The list Read more...
Goonda Raaj! (Don's Kingdom)
Reviewed Fame Adlabs - Andheri - Mumbai
Well I really dont know where to start critisizing this theatre a I did not find anything so good in it! Well basically I write this review to inform you all Read more...
Now I know Heaven Exists!
Reviewed Panchgani
“Poetry is the work of Nature.” – Mark Twain I am sure that when Mark Twain had thought of the above line, he must have been visiting PancRead more...
Transforms You into a patriot!
Reviewed The Legend of Bhagat Singh Songs
Des Mere, Des Mere, Meri Jaan hai tu! - These are the lyrics which I keep humming all day long. Why ? Because the song is simply superRead more...
Not the same old AbraCaDabra!
Reviewed Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - J K Rowling
“Aloha Mora”, says Hermione and with a swish of her wand opens the huge door of a dust dungeon. Don’t be confused, it is just an extract froRead more...
Burning Cool!
Reviewed Radio Mirchi
Radio Mirchi! - its hot! This is the slogan that youll hear often on Radio Mirchi! and I am pleased to say that the channeRead more...
When will we have teamwork!
Reviewed Indian Cricket Team
I just cant believe that I am writing a review on the Indian Cricket Team. The Indian Cricket Team(ICT) is the most written about and talked about team Read more...
Small Wonder!
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki 800
I would call it the poor mans Zen! hen Maruti 800 was launched it created a fever and the fever can be appropriately called an endemic one since it lastRead more...
Alas! It's Changed!
Reviewed Windows XP
Microsoft created History when it launched its first version of the Graphic User Interface(GUI) based Windows operating system. It made things possible which Read more...
For the classes and not the Masses!
Reviewed Devdas Songs
Devdas by Sanjay Leela Bansali is expected to be the biggest blockbuster of this year. To check the accuracy of this we will have to wait for another 3 monthsRead more...
Can't get better!
Reviewed Jeena Isika Naam Hai
Since the time star ad zee are having their channel wars, both the channels have been trying to introduce new and maybe original programs to boost their TRPRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on critic2003's review
Commented on just-did-it's review
great stuff....guess i had have to wait 5 months more b4 i can watch the movie....but thanx for a lovely insightful review! Sahil!
Rated on just-did-it's review
Rated on ganeshb's review
Commented on born2win's review
I have read the book a looong time back and now certainly would read it again.... meanwhile, keep the reviews coming brother!
Rated on born2win's review
Rated on slade's review
Rated on imran's review
Rated on davieboy's review
Commented on davieboy's review
Good, passionate and Honest Review! Keep writing bro & Jai Hind! Sahil!
Rated on speedbuster's review
Commented on acrossb's review
Hello and Welcome to the Amazing world of MS! I am very sorry for giving you an SR rating but i must say that u shud have copied ur comments of 'poetry-scams' and pasted them here rather than referring to them in such a vague manner! But all of us have written similar first reviews so do not be diss Read More...
Rated on acrossb's review
Rated on thakur_zail_singh's review
Rated on Deewyatt's review
Rated on akhil23's review
Commented on akhil23's review
I totally agree with the idea of boycotting american good. I personally did that on the day the war started. No Mac, No Coke, etc. The only thing american i still havent got rid of is windows....i am tryin my best tho! Good review brother! Keep writing!
Rated on callhrishi's review
Rated on sweetrose's review
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Testpg Test (@TestPGMouthShut Verified Member)
Anas Shaikh (@anass4581MouthShut Verified Member)
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Shaikh Adnan Sami (@shaikhadnansami4MouthShut Verified Member)
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Birbull Official (@BirbullMouthShut Verified Member)
Prabhavathi Avirneni (@PrabhavathiAvirnenMouthShut Verified Member)
Nolan (@NolanIscoMouthShut Verified Member)
Jemal Kemal (Jemal Kemal Hassen) (@jemalkemal805MouthShut Verified Member)
Dhiru Bole (@boledhiruMouthShut Verified Member)
Malavika Mallya (@mediassistMouthShut Verified Member)
Md Shahid Alam (@ShahidIbrahimMouthShut Verified Member)
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Akshata Pardule (@AkshataPardule2409MouthShut Verified Member)
Sahi Ram Kaswan (@jasahiramMouthShut Verified Member)
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Poonam Nandani (@goibibo_ibiboMouthShut Verified Member)