Hey ppl
Thats it enough is enough..........bas karoo plzz bas karo !!!!!!!! thats what my head says to me when ever such crap comes along.I will justify myself surely as u read on ...plzz note I dont intrest in hurting the feeling of indians or any one through this rvu but just trying to put frwd my point of view as honestly as I can !!!!!!
I wouldnt be wrong if I say that why are we so keen on copying concepts ???? ok so we copied but atleast change something..common American idols changed to indian idols !!!!!!! thats it same background music same colour same judge type and whats more same type of judges (well not exactly there is IQ difference !!!!!!).I mean ok copy but have some descency to make some new concepts..... change the music or something but nothing !!!
It has become a trend that ads have made almost all of us go mad.The proof is we ppl sing ad songs by hearing them while watching serials..thats the impact of non-stop continous, repeated torchuring ads...There is a medical phenomena which says if humans do anything continously , regularly, for about 21 times he/she gets used to it.For eg.if u wake at 6.00 in morning regularly for 21 days u will automatically wake at 6.00 on 22nd day without alarm !!!!!!! well our ad promoters seem to have lot of R&D on this stuff..every 4 min an idiol ad pops up .... whats more not just add but lots more......its really irritating to bare it
The judges have a everest peak ego.What they think is except them all ppl around do not know how to sing so they react too harshly on it.Thats bad I mean sometime someday they were strugglers too so have some simpathy.
Ppl trust me these ppl specially aman and ...whats the females name ???? mini somethng rt ?? ok whatever they play so good hide and seek the format for declaring a winner in a episode is as follows:
1.general votes
3.again talk , poll, comments
5.judges opinion and parents say
pufff..I mean whats going on u hav the results but nooo show must go on naa so kill ppl by the suspense ok fine but not soo much that ppl will turn on to other channels (most do this really pissed from their breaks !!!!!)
U know there are artists , musicians who spend half of their life mastering their art e.g.lata mangeshkar, kishore kumar etc..and the result of this is that when u listen to them its like listening to sweet voice .These ppl are dedicated to their music and singing, music is like worship for them..but these reality hunts have really annoyed these masteros. I read some articles from geat ppl of music world and most of their views reflected that its not fair u make any one a singer in one night and shoot him to fame as established singer on chioce of ppl.Ppl werent, arent by any means wont be fair judge as they represent society . Society never is stable or united..its natures characteristic to be diverse......
Obviously there are some tiny winy plus points against the whole list of cons.The hunt is a stage for strugglers but the hype isnt helping.Abhijeet sawant look at that dude shot to fame for 15 days now what !!!!! but still his name has got a bit known so his struggle is eased but this doent mean he has reached his destination.He has started to be in indian idols like a senior ragging his juniors !!!!! but other indian idol- I runner ups like amit sana etc are consistently doing good by giving good albums. Plus this type of hunts are good for SMS providers they will be swimming in pool of money so its good for them..and finally TV ppl their ratings buzz with these hunts.....
If u see most of the singers all most all sing the songs that are already famous like pal by kk !!!!! What have they done with that fabulous song neither I nor any of my friends were satisfied by that remake what do u say ???????? all this is leading to nothing but remakes !!! where is the talent u say a complete performer so give him a new tune and some new songs or lyrics and then lets see how famous these ppl go !!!!!!!!!
I really dont deserve to suggest any solution on this as I am not related to this fied but may be taking opinion of masters in field of music like singers and musicians who have the sense of music will make sense instead of farah and anu malik...... common why these two ppl sonu nigam ???ok... he is a good singer so he is allowed but farah and anu who have no relation to singing just sit there and throw comments (no appreciated comments) on ppl..thats crap yaar. !!!!!!!!!!
Well this rvu of mine is a result of frustration of over doing , hyping and playing with emotions of ppl in name of reality show....how far is this gonna go u have to decide.What is going to be ur celing u have to decide !!!!!!!!!
Thnx for reading plzz honestly comment and give f/b as this topic is really a big one and ppl have different opinions so let me know what u think..incase I left something unnoticed plzz point me may be it would help to change my way of lookin at things...... I will really appreciate it ..!!!!!!!