This place is really UN-Ethical, UN-Professional and purely COMMERCIAL.These guys care much less about patient than they care about the money they can make from him/her.
(1) I have kep my ward here for one month and six days (and still admitted as of 10-05-2010), they know the problem but have not started the treatment in the name that they still want to conduct few tests. Despite knowing that my ward advanced stage cancer and it can only get worse with time.
(2) all the consultants are now making money from me which I am paying from my own pocket. One of the consultant charged me just for saying "Hi I am Dr xxxxx. I will see your case tomorrow". exactly these words costed me around 800-1000 rupees.
(3) The most bizarre thing happened when they refused my ward admission 3/4th time saying I have to give
minimum 20000 deposit before admission.
(4) Also they make you keep a positive balance in your account all the time otherwise delay surgeries etc, thats what their billing department told me.
(5) The billing guys hardly knows how to talk to customer in a professional environment.
(6) One of the consultant charged me for the day when he was actually in Calcutta. When I objected, billing dept refused to fix the issue.
(7) at another time, they billed me pharmacy supplies which were NOT used at all.
(8) Bed pan, urinal jug etc are billed to patient but are never told that way.
(9) Supplies from my ward were used for other patient and billed to my account. I have caught nurses doing that they have returned the used supplies with apologies but what if I was an attendant was not vigilant.