This is the masterpiece by the wonderful director christopher nolan.he emerges the best director in the decade.he directed all the movies with wonderful plots , and same with interstellar.this movie is a sci fi movie which focuses on the theme that earth isnow not healthy to sustain life no more.this movie includes wonderful characters played by wonderful cast.
Cooper-matthew mchoughney, oscar winner actor for mud.
Anne hattaway- also won oscar
Michael caine - the most wonderful actor
And many more
The most exciting part of the movie is the music score which is composed by the best muaic composer-HANS ZIMMER.
Hans zimmer composed music for 6 nolan movies namely the prestige, batman begins, the dark knight, the dark knight rises , Inception, and INTERSTELLAR.
The movie plot includes the same cinema tricks as always wonderfully performed by nolan in all his movies.
Jonathan nolan, his brother also wrote the movie.
This movie includes the breathtaking experience.