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Member Since:Feb 24, 2016
260 MS Points
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The no. 1 comedy show
Reviewed Impractical Jokers
This is a very good show. This show includes four lifelong friends who compete with each other and embaress each other. Each friend has to complete the task tRead more...
Really a good show.
Reviewed Motu Patlu
Motu patlu is indian animated series telecasted on nicklodean. The series is all about friendship of the characters motu and patlu. Motu loves samosa wheh hRead more...
Great show...
Reviewed Pawn Stars
Pawn stars is a very good show. This show involves a pawn shop named gold and silver pawn. Rick, the owner of the shop buys goods from the customers at very fRead more...
Topmost university
Reviewed Amity University
Amity it becomes a brand in category of education. Every student has dream to study in amity university. The campus was huge and beautiful. TheRead more...
Awesome movie.
Reviewed Neerja
Neerja movie was released on 19feb2016 . The director ram madhvani played a very good job. Sonam kapoor played the role of neerja very well so hatsoff to heRead more...
Best engineering college in delhi ncr
Reviewed Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology - Panchkula
I study in piet college right now. The college is best in academics. The college is known for its placements. Companies visit there on daily basis and recrRead more...
Awesome awesome awesone..
Reviewed 3 Idiots
3 idiots is my feavorite movie. The best movie I have ever seen in my life. I can see this movie 3 times a day. My feavorite character was Ranchod das chanRead more...
Average movie
Reviewed LoveShhuda
Loveshudda is an not a bad movie. It involves a love story between two people who meet each other in three different places and that at the moment of their diRead more...
Not bad
Reviewed Ebay
Ebay is a world wide website that sells products online.it is an international site where anyone can order the products online.the delivery time is good. SomeRead more...
Awesome movie, best movie by nolan
Reviewed Interstellar
This is the masterpiece by the wonderful director christopher nolan.he emerges the best director in the decade.he directed all the movies with wonderful plotsRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on own review
Go for it. You will not be able to stop you from laughing.
Commented on asy123's review
I also dont agree.
Commented on mjangalwa's review
My feavorite site.
Rated on mjangalwa's review
Commented on 19ishaan's review
Very nice site. Prices are very low.
Rated on 19ishaan's review
Commented on greatraunaq's review
One of the most popular site in india.
Rated on greatraunaq's review
Commented on Amanmishraknp's review
Hp is best in laptops
Rated on Amanmishraknp's review
Commented on naveed4687's review
A great value for money.
Everyone like it.
Commented on deepramansekhon's review
Thanx for review bro. My dream car.
Rated on deepramansekhon's review
Yeah top university
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