To work in a company is easy but to build it is very difficult.If you don’t have the following requisite then don’t even think about it
Patience: is always needed you don’t get chicken out of egg in 2 minutes. Wait for the right time till then there will be lot of ups and downs. Tolerance and patience is what is needed very badly... this period can be long but it shouldn’t be long enough as rotten eggs are of no use this should be always related with determination which is next.
Determination: There will be many ups and downs but determination is needed Remember.The fear of losing is invented much more b4 the act of gaining.......sow the seeds of fear....and you’ll have the fruit of pain.Don’t think too much. Not bad will happen..!Don’t believe in fate believe in deed....u will never be see things come to u...deeds will change with your fate!!!*
Goals**:This is the best part for a successive business plan, when there is no goal there is no work, also patience and determination will break away. So it is necessary to set goals before you start to implementSet targets for a phase of time and the goals can be anything from branding the product to money earning machine but work on goals that your conscience always supports.
Honesty:This is being ignored in current market trends but it should be not accepted as a good conscience point of view but accepted as Business point of View because Honesty will always help in Long Run… cheats will die sooner or later.We can reach the sky, but not without anyones help ... If needed, I will choose Honesty.*
How to build a company from scratch
*1.Planning (period, validity, proposal)
5.Work Culture
Planning will involve the following thingsBusiness Plan: Unique or technological idea that is irresistible and is ready to go Ka-Boom It involves proper statistics market trends and Costing.Current Assets: we are living with and how to utilize it efficiently and giving a best to its implementationResources: that is needed to start the Plan while keeping the budget low Work flow: The smooth flow of work which requires the basics involves lots of discussions and criticism Decision making also meditating and proving the impact of plan to what extend it holds the positive and negatives in market...Validity and proposals: the validity of plan for period that ranges from snail race to horse race and period of rest, also investing new validity and proposals as the time and stage changes, innovations is always needed with the requirement.Identify the target market (target the specific) for your branding efforts. Develop a target profile for them (who they are; where to find them; what they read; events they go to; etc.)
Help sounds very comforting In order to archive success fill you’re self with fuels of Successive businessman (stories)Read on NET: The Internet is a free and great source of help it should be used regularly without fail.Contacts (make a list every day and call 10 peoples and share some ideas (at least 2months)) Qualified person: Take help from person who knows the system very well and try to get new and better techniques.Freshers with a vision: nothing to lose but a Vision to gain and so have enormous potential.
Determination it’s BasicsHard work is needed at the initial stages but to leave in between is Coward ness nothing is gain without a Pain and to make dreams come true we will have to take out the fictitious world from the dream and make it realNow the plan is implemented what is next? *
Publicity **:Different ways of publicity TV, Radio, internet, Billboards, word of mouth, and placards
In my opinion the best way will be simple and low costing and one that will last for long.
Apart from all I chose internet, word of mouth and community advertisements.
Internet * is easy and cheapest way to publicize your product post it on blogs posts it on groups etc… it’s an instant process.
Word of mouth *holds more truth then words of models spoken in TV’s. If the product isgood enough to impress someone it will definitely make 1:5 ratio ofspeeding publicity
Community Advertisement * is the slowbut very effective way to sell… plays, picnics, music organizationleisure time welfare programs etc organized in schools, communitycenters etc will make an impact of the product that will catch momentumin later stages as children are innocent and tend least to forgetthings. Their memorable moments will keep the product always alive.
Develop an attention-getting slogan * that will bring out the feel like ’’great place to work’’
Work Culture and Belongingness :
Homeis the place while working in organizations if this is what mentalitydevelops between the employees then the place will be heaven to work inby both the employee and employer.
For this there should be incentives, motivation, Transparency, and better working environment.
Notto exclude some important practice such as invitation to friends andfamily of employees, organizing parties and working in non-pressureenvironment.
Conflict management * should be a mid-way out of any conflict and avoid being biased or unjust.
People have differing ways and styles of communication, ambitions, political or religious views and different cultural backgrounds. And this diversity is prone to create conflicts we should always clarity the position, the work flow and protecting their self respect creating an environment where people are more open and can discuss other then closed and backbiting about each other that will be the main reason for demise in working structure.
Teamwork and co-operation *:Transparency about work and information flow between the peers and updates. Potential conflicts, opinions should be brought in open and discussed out.
The later stage will deal with the following
•Products up to the requirements
•Service up-to-date and best
•Branding the product
•Influx of Money (always 60 percent should go in investment)
•Name (The Company should be recognized by its name.)
Can go on with details of each stage......
Thanks for reading the review
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