Review : I had applied for an internet connection lured by NO INSTALLATION CHARGES scheme and paid the cheque. I was promised connection within 7 days. When even after 2 weeks nothing happenned I rang up their customer care to be informed that it will take another week. After another week when I called up again I was once again tol that it will take another week. But for 10 days nothing happened. So I send a fax asking for cancellation.
I was told that the refund will take 10 days time. After waiting patiently for 15 days when I called up again for refund I was told that the refund order was being processed that day and it will take another 10 days. Finally after another 1 month I received my cheque.
After 4 months I was foolish enough to get intoi the trap once again when their executive offered me the same NO INSTALLATION SCHEME and I fell for the bait again. This time the executive promised me that they will provide the connection within 2 days. However even after 3 days the cabling was not done. Let me make it clear here that the CUSTOMER SERVICE IS OF NE HELP and they will promise to get back to you which they never do.
Somehow after shouting at the Branch manager the cabling was done within 7 days and after 1 day they gave the username and password. Then the real trouble started. The node in my area had no UPS. Can you believe it? British Gas group Multinational Co and no UPS. Which meant that whenver there was a power cut anywhere in the city there was no service. Ask any resident of Visakhapatnam and they will tell you that power cuts are a frequent problem. This meant that the connection was down half the time. The customer service here takes the cake. They will have just these few standard replies The Modem has to be reset, Please restart your system, The modem is offline.
All in all they were never able to solve the problem. Finally they installed the UPS and believe it or not for the next 15 days I had no problems at all and the speed was good. Furthermore the cost was working out cheaper than telephone as I used it basically for checking my POP3 emails and searching for some products. So I decided to go to for a connection at home. Once again I was promised connection within 3 days and I took it with a pinch of salt because of my previous experiences.
The same old story repeated itself and the connection took more than 10 days. The service has been relatively trouble free for the last few days. But god forbid whenever a problem comes the customer care executives can drive you crazy. But unlike Reliance they are very courteous. Go for an IQARA connection if you have the patience to wait for 15 days for a connection, if you can handle their customer care and are willing to pay a little more.
I must also add that the speeds are much better than DIALUP and even better than Reliance CDMA connection speed. I dont have any other cable connection in my are so I cannot compare this with other. They must also be congratulated for removing the Installation charges for a connection which used to be more that 8000 for a Dishnet (VSNL) DSL connection.