Either you love this movie or hate it. The plot of the movie is very simplistic in nature. Alex (Monica Bellucci) is raped & her fiance (Vincent Cassel) & exboyfriend (Dupontel) are out for vengance.
This film is gory even bloodwashers like oliver stone, rodriguez, tarantino & gang are left a bit behind. The rape scene (about 9 mins long) is perhaps the most grotesqe brutal rape ever seen on screen.
So what should make one watch this movie which is french in language & which will probably offend most people?
The answer lies in (no ..not because Monica bellucci is in it ...& is looking as hott as ever) , but the way the film is handled. Its in reverse. The only other movie which was shot this way as far as I can remeber is christopher nolans memento.
The ending is the beginning of the story.
BTW Guys at MS Its Irriversible & not Irreversable