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Member Since:Apr 05, 2003
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Wonderful Effort
Reviewed Irreversable
Either you love this movie or hate it. The plot of the movie is very simplistic in nature. Alex (Monica Bellucci) is raped & her fiance (Vincent Cassel) & exbRead more...
Sarvottam of 2003
Reviewed Five Best Bollywood Films of 2003
Some of the writers have jotted down their thoughts on this subject very effectively &I wishI can match their writing. I will refrain from ranking them (the Read more...
The Bogey Men
Reviewed Five Best Hollywood Horror Films
How intrguing is the human psyche ..it loves to be scared. Ive been a major fan of bonechillers & have seen most of them throughout the years. ImRead more...
Ekta is the Godmother of Indian Telly
Reviewed Serials produced by Ekta Kapoor
They say that the television screen is a mirror of what happens in society at that period of time. er.. ohkayI agreeI just made this up to sound better. So Read more...
The people at the helm
Reviewed Ten Best Bollywood Directors
The captain of the ship. The Skipper is the director... any movie with best actors & an amazing storyline cant be good enuff if the director aint worth Read more...
Best Movie of 2003
Reviewed 3 Deewarein
Havent seen such a good movie in a long long time. This is indias answer to the Shawshank Redemption. I was dissapointed with kucknoors earlier Read more...
Intresting Adaptation
Reviewed Maqbool
Yup. Interesting adaptation. Macbeth is perhaps the best of shakespears stories. The emotion of guilt ..of culpability is perhaps the most difficult to potrayRead more...
Definetly in top 10 hindi movies of all times.
Reviewed Raakh
Might sound exaggeration to the one who has seen this movie. As ironic as this might be but this movie has surely not been seen by majority of the indian audRead more...
Times of what?
Reviewed The Times Of India
Going back through the pages of history..... Messers Bennett & Coleman was the mouth of the british. The media was ever powerfull back then as well... freedRead more...
Scary Movie!!!!
Reviewed Saathiya
I am a fan of horror flick, a BIG fan, seen em all ~~ wes craven, sam raimi, love to get spooked shall I say. Raising cain was spine chilling terror but thenRead more...
Best free Email Service provider there is
Reviewed Hotmail
Why is hotmail.com the best email service provider? Lemme elaborate -The hotmail.com page loads faster than any other page of an esp -The features that hotRead more...
Reviewed Vulgar Display Of Power - Pantera
Pantera started off as a punkish band & migrated gradually to heavier stuff. If you have followed their albums closely the trend is they are getting heavier Read more...
I Cried More Than Dev er Shahrukh Khan
Reviewed Devdas - New
I Always wondered why Mr Dilip Kumar is widely acclaimed to be one of the if not the best actor in bollywood. Go and see the orignal Devdas&Read more...
Paisa Chapoo
Reviewed Fame Adlabs - Andheri - Mumbai
Okie dokie.. firstly tickets are too overpriced ... nned to dish out 110 bucks for a ticket!!! & well er.. parking is 25 bucks... staff is too incoperative.. Read more...
Just One Word
Reviewed American Desi
There are crossover movies. And there are some good movies & some bad movies {Ok I admit I watched Hollywood Bollywood Just for Lisa slurpRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on srasania's review
Commented on zuludancing's review
are working for aarey or a lactose addict.. lol Aditya thats a wonderfull review. I agree to each & everything that you have said about arrey. Altough i do feel that my local doodhwaala makes the best lassi...adds malai on top of it ..&12 bucks a glass.. hygnie becomes an issue.. Lass Read More...
Rated on zuludancing's review
Commented on own review
Dracula movies arent necesarily scary..infact ..i liked those drcula movies where its more based on a funny theme.. BTW..for you id recommend dracula (the one with monica bellucci in it) .. u can also try out interview with a vampire.. ..or you can catch the very beautifull sarah michhle gellar as Read More...
Commented on Nasr's review
Missed your medication today again dintchya. I usully refrain from picking on mentaly challenged kids, but as they say sometimes you just have to crack the whip. First of all stop drooling on the keyboard so much ..you saliva has made your caps lock key stuk on the keyboard. Wear a polythene bag a Read More...
Commented on mouthshutdotcom's review
The intention of the directior/producer of this movie is very good. Mehul kumar is no oliver stone nor this movie is irreversible of india... but i think such a subject should have been dealth by someone like shyam benegal. Most of the movies made by commercial directors lack soul IMHO
Commented on red_rose's review
Wonderfull & must say ..very professional looking review. And you have really semmed to have poured your heart out on this one gal. However this doesnt mean duryo`s gonna watch it... (Bag of popcorn on my lap ..flips in cd of Lethal Weapon 3 in the drive.. relaxes ;-P )
Strange to see 'duryodhana' comment on this.. but... ..Yup .. i do have a predilection for girls with beautiful eyes ....Ouch..those sriking eyes with mascara on... ..gal we shud get together lols
I do try to put in as much as i can ...looks like its insuffecient though as some of you have pointed out to me. Preran dude... I do not write in a hurry..though i do write what comes to my mind . Will review these 5 movies INDEPTH in individual movie section specially for both of you...
Commented on yschandra's review
price of the babe bro.. i wanna have tis lady...
Commented on surya008's review
not to understand what you say... i see the humor in it bro ...
Glad you like my review. & yep its kinda sad though that ppl dont see too much of good cinema ..all these satellite channels are too busy showing us reruns of govinda movies
Yup ..Saint dude.. watch this movie..you`ll like it. & Kalyani Dudette ;-) ..Seems we share the same taste in movies... lets catch up a movie together shall we ..lols
Commented on davieboy's review
Nice writup Kiddo ..But... None of the Jaws except the first movie(which was an absolute classic) was directed by steven speilberg.
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Venkatesh Iyer (@iyervenkatesh829MouthShut Verified Member)
Rajkumar Sunka (@rajkumarsunkaa88MouthShut Verified Member)
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Amrendra N Srivastava (@Amar786iMouthShut Verified Member)
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