Idling on a lazy Saturday afternoon, I decided to watch the film Ishq. It left
me with all sorts of questions..unanswered though.
Anyways, the film starts on a light note, with two friends (one rich, one poor) played by Ajay Devgan and Amir Khan resply who r generally having a good time by themselves. Till they run into two gals ( also friends - and also rich
n poor gals). Wow interesting story here.
Ofcourse, it would be so improbable if both the guys fell in love at the same time, so you have rich guy (ajay) falling head over heels for poor girl (Kajol) for starters. The other 2 cant stand each other. Amir is a prankster,
and Juhi is shown as a hot headed gal. So they are at eack others necks.
Well, meanwhile the richer parents are plotting to make sure the wealth stay within themselves, by arranging the rich guy-rich gal marriage ) Incidently the rich fathers happen to be good friends too. Oh Wow!.
But things obiviously arent going their way. After a few squabbles and lecture by Kajol, Juhi turns good, and we have the rich gal-poor guy romance.
The rich parents are livid. While One parent (Dilip tahil - Juhis father) doesnt mince words, the other father (Sadashiv Amrapurkar (SA) - Ajays father) plays thing diplomatically. With a smile that doesnt reach his eyes,
he agrees for the matches made by his son and pals.
Then the unevitable happens.. SA plots a devious plot, and Kajol is kidnapped, a few sleeves steps Amir, rescues the poor gal, and comforts her.
Little does he know that all this is photographed (select shots of course).
And when they finally make it to the party they were to be at, ..horror of horrors, the pictures are presented to look like poor guy/poor gal are carrying on an affair behind everybodys backs. How atrocious!.
And so it is the poor folks are condemned by their rich beaus too.
And to hammer the fact in, they have various cliche scenes, like The maternity hospital scene . And one fine day, Amir vows to get even with the plotters, and he arranges for a similar scenario. He kidnaps Juhi, and taers of her sleeves and Voila she is rescued by Ajay, who hammers Amir, before being handed over to the cops.
And these two ( the rich pair) having decided that the poor pair are guilty as hell, decide to accept their parents wishes and get married to each other. Ah Woe is me, why did I choose to see this film?
And then on the wedding day, Ajays uncle shows the latest photographs and similar old photographs to show the deceipt planned by Ajays father. Ajay goes bonkers, he grabs his father by the throat and screams at him. Man! was only the father 2 blame. I mean, even Ajay, doubted his lady love , guys!
And on the other side Juhi breaks down too and laa dee dah. They have to drive down to the harbour to prevent their respective loves from leaving the country. And alls well...
As I said before, this film was quite confusing. I mean, after doubting your love, how could u expect to be forgiven? But then that is Hindi films for you.
Ask forgiveness even after u commit a murder, and life goes on like nothing happened. Absolute trash wot?
The songs, the title is hummable. I dont remember the rest of the songs.A couple of comic scenes are done nicely.
Amir as usual is good. Kajol , she is a great actress. Juhi, sort of doesnt jell in this role. ajay is there, good in parts.
The film is well - lets not talk about it now. its done..