I joined ItPaysToLearn.com a while back and really enjoy it. The site is fast, pleasing to the eye, and easy to use.
You go to the site and sign up, which takes very little time. If you know someone that uses it sign up under them as they get credit for it.
Then all you do is log in with your user name and password and they have what you call v mail. Basically you click on each one and an ad will come up usually for about 20 seconds. When your account has been credited it will say so and you can then click on the next mail. I do this every 2-3 days and just do them all at once.
They also have quizzes to take and you must make 500 points in a month taking the quizzes to earn the money for the mail.
They have 3 stages of expertise and I usually do the beginner ones just to get through my points quickly as I do these all in one day. Then I like to take some of the harder quizzes just for fun as I feel like.
There are many categories to choose from such as the Bible, Math, Science. music and so on and your are given 10 questions with multiple choice answers. There is no timer so you can go at your own pace. If you get all 10 correct it gives you 30 points so it does not take much time at all to reach the amount you need to.
You can cash out at 50 cents or you can choose to check off to let the money build.
It really is a lot of fun and you are earning money for learning things. Granted it isnt a lot of money but I would do it anyway even if they did not pay as it is just plain fun.