Writing a review after watching something which leaves you numb at the end of a long 2.5 hours is pretty tough. My mind has stopped spinning and I have an ache in the neck in trying to look at time many times during the film by tilting the watch towards the screen and trying to make out the slow-slow passage of time.
The good parts: -
(a) The Forrest Gump Take off.
(b) Anupam Kher - in parts - when the camera dosent get too close to him.
(c) Akshay Kumars laugh - for the first few times.
(d) Priety Zintas kid and kid sister.
The bad parts: -
(a) The number of meaningless songs.
(b) Akshay Kumars nerdy looks.
(c) Salaman Khans close ups while crying.
(d) Priety Zintas skin
(e) The cliched house of Priety Zintas rich father.
(f) Aman Verma - may be he just wanted a trip abroad.
(g) The idea that peeping into someones house is OK.
This pretty much about sums it up. As the plot (whatever can be made of it) is pretty hackneyed and the end is predictable from the beginning, the only possible point of interest is how the hero gets his girl - Wiping a babys bottom is quite an unusual path.
All in all - OK time pass if you want to doze off at times, i.e. if you can with the "in-your-face" music which is loud and absolutely tuneless. And if the tickets are not too costly.