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Member Since:Jul 08, 2005
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Why call the movie "Lone Ranger"
Reviewed The Lone Ranger
Went to watch the movie only because I am a Johnny Depp fan. Love his style and watch "Pirates...." movies everytime it comes on TV. His dead-pan humor is typRead more...
The chosen one
Reviewed The Chosen One - Sam Bourne
Definitely not a read for those who like clean endings. A tale of intrigue and manipulations at the highest level in the world - the off the American PresideRead more...
Death in the Latin Quarter - Raphael Cardetti
Reviewed Death in the Latin Quarter - Raphael Cardetti
Not exactly edge of the seat stuff but interesting for those who would like to think of how things were in the past focusing on the Church and its supposed shRead more...
Joseph Finder: The Vanished
Reviewed High Crimes - Joseph Finder
Nick Heller is a private eye for Stoddard Industries. He finds a plane, ostensibly stolen, with a billion dollars in cash. This is salary by Paladin, a companRead more...
LANDMARK - Land here and it will leave its mark
Reviewed Landmark - Bangalore
For a book lover and reader, Landmark is a visual treat to the eyes. The seeming casual disorder is designed to maximize the customers attention on a w-Read more...
Westside - The Store of all Stores
Reviewed Westside - Delhi
Not having been to a big city before, I was awed and confused by the plethora of choices in Mumbai, specially the stores / malls in Mumbai. While I visited quRead more...
Jaaneman - Jaan bachake bhago
Reviewed Jaaneman
Writing a review after watching something which leaves you numb at the end of a long 2.5 hours is pretty tough. My mind has stopped spinning and I have an achRead more...
''The Brethren'' - John Grisham seems to be losin
Reviewed Brethren, The - John Grisham
Its a story about three judges who are in a minimum security prison scamming people through the mail by pretending to be a young and handsome gay and thRead more...
Reviewed The Da Vinci Code
I read the book and thought it was terrific. The plot is great -- Robert Langdon is cute (he should have been blond) and the Sophie defnitely a french bombsheRead more...
Staying cool in busy traffic
Reviewed General views on Indian Traffic
Man, whats your hurry? I live in Bhubaneswar where the traffic is okay compared to Bangalore and Jamshedpur, two of the place where I have driven arounRead more...
Amitabh - Age does not matter
Reviewed Ek Ajnabee
It is incredible to see that an actor in his sixties can command such a magnetic appeal on the screen, as Amitabh Bachchan does. He might not be in the best oRead more...
Dark, gloomy and leaves you a bit breathless
Reviewed Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince - J K Rowling
After the first 4 books, I was expecting a book which would be good light hearted fun like better descriptions of Diagon Alley, more on the Weasley household.Read more...
Nokia 2300 - good basic stuff.
Reviewed Nokia 2300 Cell Phone
I bought the Nokia 2300 in May 2004. Touch wood, its still working fine. Overall - good basic stuff for talking. Its a bit fat and may be uncomforRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on jay19's review
Commented on hvfun's review
Dear hvfun - this is an amazing review. Your analysis is very good. I remember another online shoe company had used Mouthshut in the same way - combatting bad review with ''planted'' reviews. I believe Librarywala is a cost-effective alternative to buying books which in this ''green'' age will surel Read More...
Commented on Urek's review
Dear Urek, I feel there has been some miscommunication or misunderstanding. I have been a member of Librarywala for almost 5 years. I have never suffered from bad service. It must have been a one-off case. However, please do not let this experience put you off from reading.
Rated on speedy26's review
Rated on captaincool's review
Commented on pooja_paliwal63's review
Hope he wont want it back. Nice review. Can see that you are very pleased with the phone.
Rated on pooja_paliwal63's review
Hope your hubby wont want it back. Nice review.
Rated on nagrajmj's review
Commented on doogie.browser's review
Hey Man! My sympathies are with you. I have had a similar experience with another operator and the frustration beggars description. Keep expressing yourself.
Rated on doogie.browser's review
Rated on preetycool_ind's review
Commented on saurabh_matta's review
A bit disappointing was to see Katrina Kaif let off with only one speech inspite of all the hype surrounding her. Manoj Bajpai is at his villainous best. Ranbir Kapoor's underplayed Samar was one of the best. Not to mention IG Sharma, who I had difficulty recognizing as the OM of 'Kyunki saas.....'
Rated on saurabh_matta's review
Rated on khajster's review
Rated on cbe_shyam's review
Commented on shanker26's review
What an unfortunate experience. You should complain. The customer is king. This kind of behavior should not be tolerated.
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