This review is also a tip for online Buyers while choosing products from jabong. In the "help (Top right hand corner) section-exchange policy" of their website, Jabong has specified that there is no exchange for jabong partner products. This means they are not responsible for the partner products not even if its not deivered.
Otherwise their delivery is very quick and fast for their own product. I have bought several items from jabong and was happy about it. My last review here was all praise for them. However recently I placed a prepaid order 130825753594297 on 25 Aug 13 with "BASICS TROUSER (3 star)" as one of the product. On 26 Aug 13 I received the mail
"Great News! Your package against 130825753594297 with tracking no C39560712 is dispatched! Keep an eye on your package using the tracking details below:
Courier Partner: First Flight
Tracking Website:
Tracking Number*: C39560712
Delivery By**:28/08/2013 "
Phhhhhhh.......Till now several mails and phone calls. neither the tracking details are showing nor the item received till now(01 Sep 13). The tracking no is false and no item has been despatched by BASICS- the partner of Jabong. Jabong specialised team is looking at it since then. I have already paid for it, and Jabong will not cancel the order. Now I have been left to the mercy of BASICS. I wish best of luck to myself.
Sincere advice to Buyers- Be very careful while buying from Jabong Partners. If possible go for Cash on Delivery(COD). At least u can cancel that order. I am sure even they will send the product quickly. But if its prepaid then u r under mercy of somebody which u dont know.