This one is kinda sad. But I think it should be told making my 6th ever review.
Jassi stretches from the Ekta-ian department of social (not) cum fairytale cum spaghetti with shaving cream (swsc for short. It tastes bad) dramas which make your head bleed. Seriously bleed. Except that ekta has no involvement in this one. Some moronic director seems very very inspired by ekta fantasy world . Jassi is a very exaggerated version of ekta style if u get what I mean.
Jassi started out to be some dumb woman with HUGE specks, and she had braces ( the strings used to poke out some times__ good grief!) playing with her umbrella, what has now evolved to the shenanigan of a ready-when-u-r-2-sway-me hot mama (not) and more-than-happy-to-sway-u guy.
So this jassi loves her boss and also some other guy and this other guy likes her but the boss doesn’t_ like jassi I mean_ no wait__ nor jassi’s other lover……. ive got myself all confused to the depths oof confusionosity. The bottom line is that these are immoral promiscouses. Popopo!!!
Those bad bad obscene creatures. Popo!!
This is what is confidence? Rolling heads around each other while the saari flows seductively in the air?
How disgusting is that?
Acting is totally haywire ________ u don’t want to know. Jassi jr. (with umbrella) did great imitations of A grade nerd from nerdsville. Jassi sr.(wwitout umbrella) does perfect imitations of B grade lusty from lustoland.
The rest of the cast -------- wasn’t good then isn’t good now.
So while I keep popopoing in my head I’ll share a piece of advice __ don’t watch it instead read a good book.
P.S. youll be thanking me at ze end of ze day. Or night.
P.P.S. the directors need a diaper change!!! HAHAhahahaha
P.P.P.S. hAhahahahahahaharhar
P.P.P.P.S. ciao!