Recently, about a week back I joined online auction site. I deposited a nominal amount and started bidding as it looked very attractive. However within 2 days I got my own doubt about the genuineness of the whole thing because of the following reason:
The product for which I was bidding suddenly did not appear and so I assumed that the auction might have closed. Since nothing appeared about the closing, I sent a mail to them: Soon the product appeared as closed with the details of the winner including his photo! However the closing date was shown as 22nd Aug whereas my date of joining was Aug 30th and I bid on 30th and 31st only! I again mailed back. Today when I see the site, the date of closing is revised as 31st Aug.
Not only that! They are showing complete details of "supposed to be winners" for a very long time, starting from 2-12-2009 with about 5-6 products a day all priced at about 20000 each. However if you analyse, the winners are almost the same, may be 10 to 20 in total, as the photos repeat every 5th or 6th product.
I do not know how genuine this company is. Be careful.
I request mouthshut to enquire and share it with us all. I got the info about this site thro promotional mail received from ticket booking SMS!
If any of you know more I shall be thankful