As we all now that the reliance jio sim facility given .We indian are always in search of freebies and alway expect to get . But we dont check or inquire what it is so we just use it with risking all our personal data or information . Last week as advice by lots of people I had taken one jio sim for use in my iphone after asking the sale agent from dharmanagar north tripura india that will I able to use in iphone so with out any hazitation by entering my ADHAR no he gave and told me that it will be activate within an hour but after 2-3 days as I cannot use the sim start searching and ask question online I try it to connect with all the advice till then it dose not work so I download this jio4gvoice to use for voice call but to my surprise it is not mean for north east india. So I contact the customer care there service and response is quite good and very help full but she told me that this facilities is not available for northeast india. After the call and advice I started thinking my self why it is not for the northeastern are we not from india ? are we not an indian? why we are not treated equally even by the coparate ? so my friend from northeastplease think twice about the discrimination by this jio so in the coming future hope equality will prevail . stop racism to develope this great nation we all are indian proud to be indian jai hind jai jawan jai bharat.