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Member Since:Feb 16, 2017
160 MS Points
Love my country India that why I had joined the military at very young age while most of the people of my age ie 18+ enjoy their youth. Never indulge in any kind of corruption and inspire lots of young generation to join arm forces to protect and fight against enemies.So I need money for better education of my son at the time of high inflation or financial crisis not owe one to earn in unfair corruption. Etc jaihind Jai jawan.inspire by the word of unknown soldier.when you go home tell them that we had given our tomorrow today for your better tomorrow and your generation to com.
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Indian road runner
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Alto 800 LXI
This small size car which have a space and sitting facility for a small family and econimically affordable with great miles 20km/1ltrs which is really helpfulRead more...
The sim that divide india
Reviewed Jio4GVoice
As we all now that the reliance jio sim facility given .We indian are always in search of freebies and alway expect to get . But we dont check or inquire whatRead more...
Mouthshut or wastetime and fraud
Reviewed Mouthshut
This mouthshut mobile app which I download recently after reading someones blogs I think the writer of that article is associated with this app he really adveRead more...
The duplicate sales agent web site
Reviewed Naaptol
The website online shoping that sale chines duplicate product. The experience that had completly change the mind set of online shopping.Three year back after Read more...
Lubricate gel not a hand wash
Reviewed Santoor Hand Wash
Dear friend today I am going to tell you about the horrible and ashamed experience by me. Few month back that was on september last year I had told our companRead more...
Onida leo the best tv
Reviewed Onida LEO32HE TV
I had buy this television during dewali sale as our tv is out of fashion and needed to repair every month so we got it after checking multiple brands this tv Read more...
No sevice or repairing center
Reviewed Samsung UA-32D6000 HD LED TV
Dear fried today I am going to tell you about the product mention above .last year I had purchase one from online at avery low price with discount and coupon Read more...
Worst employee and service
Reviewed State Bank Of India (SBI)
Today I want tell you that the service and poor system while mannerless of the employee of state bank of india in most branches in tripura. due to crisis of mRead more...
HMT watch
Reviewed HMT Watches
It was the pride our country long before the slogan make in india .It was a status for any person wearing hmt watches during those day .It doesnot require or Read more...
Samsung galaxy j7 prime
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime
I had brought this mobile samsung galaxy j7 prime for my wife on december 2016 .as she love taking photos the camera is good and clear.easy to handle the inteRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed MouthShut_Support , himanshu1103
Rated on jain_kanishq's review
Rated on huptajia's review
Rated on Pratikshaniven3109's review
Commented on Pratikshaniven3109's review
I personally believe and agree with you while as why we should not promote desi company made then videshi. Make India
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Rated on Kartikohri's review
Commented on Truearnab's review
Agree with your opinion because this day company has no solution
Rated on Truearnab's review
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