Bilal trapped me as I entered the Tara Palace Hotel ! The hotel is great although my son ( 23yrs ) old called me cheap ! But he soon warned to it as we dined on the roof top with the washing and occasional staff member. Staff excellent ! Our driver from airport to Hotel and finally from New Delhi train back to the Hotel was the BEST ( sorry I didnt ask your name ) and made me feel very important Top Marks Sir !
Ram was a great driver but not so good on playing with his mobile phone ( we can all improve : -) but he made up for his mobile phone weakest with superb restaurants . Thank you Ram !
Hadoti Hotel ( best beds in the world ) in Bundi and Bundi itself with Rudyard Kipling legacy was wonderful so great thanks go to Bilal !
As foreigners we wrongly though that when the going got tough near the end of our stay Bilals customer service would decrease BUT NO IT GOT BETTER - THANK YOU
BUT YOU NEED TO PROMOTE THE TRAIN TRIP FROM JAIPUR TO DELHI MORE AS 6 hours in 2nd Class with about 11 meal courses was TERRIFIC ( truly great)
Good luck to Bilal and Team and staff at the Tara Palace .( the hotel is fine but the street outside is a little different but I wouldnt have changed it . however its worth it