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Member Since:Jan 19, 2017
120 MS Points
I am a college student and a youtuber i love playing footbal however i am a sports car maniac and i also love new hi tech smartphones like the iphone7 s7edge upcoming s8 htc10 etc looking forward to be apart of this reputed globsl company moutshut.com
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Reviewed Apple iPhone X 256GB
The phone is highly priced actually it is significant of the fact that apple tends to over valuetheir product. Apple was not succesful in bringing up the prodRead more...
Potential blockbuster
Reviewed Dangal
Hw whole movie revolved around his girls , aamair khan I aamit khaan man from dhoom like crazy movies with hyped bike recing and fighting scenes to a old fathRead more...
Reviewed Jungle Travels - Guwahati
Bilal trapped me as I entered the Tara Palace Hotel ! The hotel is great although my son ( 23yrs ) old called me cheap ! But he soon warned to it as we dined Read more...
Not the best ones of srk
Reviewed Raees
Just saw the movie yesterday but seeing tge trailer and song was very excited about it anticipated for big time action and drama this time. However the movie Read more...
Screen mirroring option unavailable
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 - 6 (2016 Edition)
Screen mirroring option not available on samsung j7 2016.However you can cast youtube and smart view photos videos etc.but not screen mirroring.I am not awareRead more...
Good looks bad performance
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Note 4
The Galaxy Note 4 is getting a bit long in the tooth in mobile terms, but that dont think that means it not worth buying especially at less than ÂŁ400/$5Read more...
I simply loved
Reviewed Hotel Tibet - Paltan Bazar - Guwahati
The location is wonderful because it provides for the shortest route to airport , railways , bus terminals etc. Moreover it provides easy access to taxi serviRead more...
Amazing classy product
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
If you have this product do try to get yourself an armor case ltherwise one fall or slip from the hand grip can cost u upto 120$+ , otherwise this is supreme Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on kamalv33's review
Try buying the prime product always now what u do is buy the same cahrger again then return it after replacing ur defective one with the new one else no way possible amazon fools people a lot nowadays
Rated on swtminijain's review
Followed reginadsouza818 , sahilayil84 , ammark143 , ronladdsouza , pawandixit
Followed kanwalhanspal45
Commented on sandeepsarkar30's review
U can simply say it is hybrid the actual drawback is the gorilla does not feel like gorilla one slip from the grip of your hand will break the phone and will eat up all your money.
Followed shahjainam1599
Rated on pdharmik098's review
Commented on bikashborah52's review
Same here yeah I loved it tooo good hotel and I certainly look forward to stay again coz now they are offering 30% dicount to walk in customers who stayed before for free
Rated on bikashborah52's review
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