Hartley Coleridge had once said.
She is not fair to outward view
as many a maidens be
Her loveliness I never knew
until she smiled on me!
But, when he said these lines he definitely had not taken a look at Preity Zinta. Shes just stunning with those glasses and that no-nonsense look in the first half of the movie. And definitely she doesnt look like mommy as one of the characters comments in the film. AND...when she smiles...well, no words of praise can do justice for those dimples. You gotta watch it to feel it! Well, this would sound like a review on Preity Zinta if I didnt stop raving about her but, Im sure youd agree with me once you watch the movie. I was never a Preity Zinta fan until of course, I watched KAL HO NAA HO. Hey! My loyalty still sticks to you, Madame Madhuri!
Why did I watch this movie? Well, I just finished my exams and needed a well-deserved break. Thats how I landed in R-Adlabs with my family to watch this movie. Im sure glad that I did, though many of you who have watched this film long back may tell me that Im late! This is one movie Id vouch for if youd ask me coz no one could possibly repent watching it! Im ready for a second helping already! ;)
The Plot...dont worry, Ill leave a major part for you to watch & find out
The film is narrated with a autobiography in motion theme. Its about a broken family of a mother (Gorgeous & in good shape Jaya Bachchan), daadi (Laajo ji), apni Preity, harry potter look-alike brother and an adopted cutie-pie sister called Gia. This Kapur family of 5 are constantly fighting, crying, SCREAMING, Screeching (ull know when u hear the daadi sing with her band) etc. until of course, the Guardian Angel Sharukh Khan walks into their life. That scene of the Kapur family(minus daadi) praying and Sharukh watching is one of the sensitive scenes that touched my heart.
Btw, Saif Ali Khan plays a gujju New-Yorkite and he as well as his character are just adorable. His character is the material that most girls who have found-&-lost their first love would want in their husband. Bouncer? Well, watch the movie to understand what I just said!
It would be a grave injustice if I didnt mention anything about Jaya Bachchans performance. Well, nobody else could have carried off that role with so much naturality and full-justice like her! She has exhibited well the role of a widowed, weak woman with a silent strength...a strength that reminds you the true essence of a woman. Hats off to her!!!
The kids (Preitys siblings in the film) are just adorable and one cant stop saying cho chweet atleast once when you watch them. The other characters include daadis co-Spice girls (her partners in singing/torturing), Preitys best friend Sweetu Kapoor & Sweetus elder sister with a strong libido, Sweetus DJ boyfriend (didnt think much about him), adorable Reema Lagoo (she looked ill herself, apart from playing the role of an unwell Shahrukh), Dara Singh (Sharukhs uncle & Laajo jis die-hard fan), Kaanta Ben with a gay-relation suspicion on our leading men!!! (SRK & SAK), Saifs typical gujju multi-millionaire parents (Satish & Daksha). I would be mean to disclose the roles of Stunning Sonali, and two other GORGEOUS ex-leading ladies of the previous Karan Johar movies. All I could do when I saw them sizzle on the screen was just gape! I really had a good mind to scream for more!!! ;)
The climax is superb and the way the story unfolds is very much hatke and enjoyable!
The cinematography is par excellence! The songs (Id say all of em) are too good! I just went out and bought the CD the very next day!
This movie could be watched with anyone for that matter...I mean, it shows family-relations (good & bad), friend-to-friend, a silent lovers dilemma, pehle pyaar ka nasha, good-friend to lover to spouse transfiguration, mother-daughter relation, saas-bahu nok-jhoks + misunderstandings + suppressed love. Hence, Ive opted for NO COMMENT in the box where I have to mention Watch this movie with :
Beautiful New York, Beautiful people, Beautiful story...that just about sums up our KAL HO NAA HO
Watch it atleast once...its rare that you get to see your own dreams weave before your open eyes on screen. We all need and pray for that Guardian Angel in our life and heres a film that tells you Dont lose hope! The climax could have been different with a happy ending but, agree with me or not, Life is not always a bed of roses. Facts are facts and we all just need some strength to face them!