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Member Since:Aug 04, 2003
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Love makes my heart beat, Injustice makes it wrench. My thoughts maketh me, I make my destiny! SINDHU PILLAI</b> A simple person who is trying to live practically but, deep down I''m still hoping for my dreams to come true...someday...somehow... <i><b>I believe in my dreams and have Faith in my God! </b></i> A trained computer engineer + SAP-ABAP Consultant by profession/education, but my heart lies in astrology, psychology & Journalism. I am a person who wishes to live one day at a time and perseveres to preserve all the beautiful relationships made on earth...especially the one called, <b>Friendship</b> :) <b>''''<i>In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.''''</i> - Janos Arnay</b>. I am <i>Passionate</i> about <b>* music, * dance, * literature, * nature, * cooking, * car-driving (not racing) * friends</b> Uh-oh!! Do I sound like a Miss-Know-It-All?? Oops...I didn't say that! :D Actually, <i>I'm interested about anything & everything beneath the blue sky and <b>beyond that...</b></i>
About Me
Education: Life is a learning game!
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British Airways or Racist Airways?
Reviewed British Airways
My journey aboard British Airways BA 198 on 7th August 2013 from Mumbai to London will definitely make me think twice before flying with British Airways ever Read more...
Oo la la la lala AeYo!
Reviewed Kingfisher Airlines
I flew the good times on Kingfisher Airlines. Now, THAT statement says it all, doesn’t it? It says that: I have used the services of Kingfisher AirlinRead more...
The day they set fire to my MUMBAI
Reviewed Black Friday
What is past is prologue. This is the sign-off that this much acclaimed film makes and it sure does send a chill down the spine of any mumbaiite who has liveRead more...
Find YourLifemate@Jeevansathi.com
Reviewed Jeevansathi
Marriages are definitely made in Heaven but, God has entrusted to us the task of The GREAT TREASURE HUNT right here on Earth. Some do the hunting themselves, Read more...
A Beautiful Pain...
Reviewed Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital - Powai - Mumbai
Ok... beforeyou think I am talking about the beautiful pain in Love, let me clarify. This Hospital is beautifully built but, left a bad pain in my memory forRead more...
It's all about being SKODA SUPERB!!
Reviewed Skoda Superb
The Names SUPERB...SKODA SUPERB. This is the largest and most luxurious Škoda model till date. It is a great pleasure reviewing this car and I hopRead more...
Hype & Hypocrisy
Reviewed Page 3 - Bollywood
Just 2 words to sum up the life of celebrities... HYPE & HYPOCRISY and this film has done full justice in covering up the presentable facets of their lives. YRead more...
The way to my heart!
Reviewed Toblerone Chocolates
Diamonds are a girl?s best friends but a chocolate will melt my heart! Also, being the occasion on my 25th revu, what better way to celebrate it with my felloRead more...
Till Death Do Us Apart!
Reviewed Final Destination
Let?s deal with the Technicalities first? Name: F I N A L D E S T I N A T I O N (2000) Genre: Horror / Thriller / Drama / Mystery (more) Cast Overview: DevRead more...
Reviewed Howstuffworks
Enlightenment!~ Thats exactly what this site is meant to do!! w w w . h o w s t u f f w o r k s . c o m HOW I FOUND THIS SITE? We had a professor forRead more...
Raining on my heart!
Reviewed Raincoat Songs
Music Album of R A I N C O A T Raincoat (2004) MUSIC: Debojyoti Mishra ARTISTS: Subha Mudgal, Hariharan, Meena Mishra, Poetry by Gulzar This may not be anRead more...
Lovers are Liars
Reviewed Raincoat
What made me watch this film? Someone told me it was about Reality of Life & Love and I was willing to see this side of this sometimes over-rated emotion calRead more...
Hell Hath No Fury Like A WOMAN Scorned!
Reviewed Khoon Bhari Mang
Woman...canyou define her? No, a proud owner of the perfect female genitals alone doesnt qualify to be called a Woman. Call her a Lady, but not a WomanRead more...
A city of Lagoons...that's Cochin for U
Reviewed Kochi
Cochin or the current Kochi : Lush greenery, swaying palm trees, Chinese fishing nets, small houses with big courtyards, wooden majestic heavy doors, never-eRead more...
Who, me? lol!!
Reviewed Five Hindi Songs I Would Sing for my Beloved
Ok, first of all, heres wishing you all a Merry Christmas:) Secondly, this revu goes out to U Adi Bhai(zuludancing) coz U gave me the kick to get back hRead more...
Curiosity made me cry!
Reviewed Love Story - Erich Segal
What made me read this book? Curiosity! Seriously! Gotta admit that I still find myself Alert! at the mere mention of this word (blame it on my age and my foRead more...
Meer Saahab & Pankaj Udhas
Reviewed In Search of Meer - Pankaj Udhas
?Naazukee uss ke lab kee kya kahiye PaNkhaRee ik gulaab kee see hai?? Meet Meer, The Poet: Meer Taki Meer (Real name: Mohammad Taqi)(1722-1810) is undisputeRead more...
Before you Vroom...Vroom....
Reviewed Learning to Drive
Ok, let me clarify beforehand that Im no Ms. Schumacher(lets leave my dreams alone for a while, shall we?). Hey! So what? Im a Driver, alrigRead more...
I am a Sorceress!!
Reviewed Rasoi Magic Ready to Cook Spices
Rasoi Magic Ready To Cook Masala Lol!! Before there’s a call for The Witch Hunt, let me clarify. I’m a Sorceress, alright but, only in my KitchenRead more...
Reviewed Yezdi CL II
My first memories of feeling the wind in my air and the illusion of flying on unseen wings were when I was a 4yr old. Thanks to my Dad, the petrol tank of YEZRead more...
A Great Telugu Release After A Long Gap
Reviewed Robinhood
As a Telugu cinema fan, I was looking forward to the release of Robinhood, particularly after its trailer-release and the hype about its contemporary take on Read more...
Commented on own review
Anshumanmaini... Thanks for your comment. To answer your question; no! I wouldn't smile all the time unless I'm tipsy or have slightly lost it. However, I wasn't expecting them to be all smiley and giggly either. I expected them to be courteous and helpful to passengers because that is the basic par Read More...
Commented on ancyjohn's review
Hi! Thank you for the review. Glad to know that Eurokids has turned out to be your child's favourite place. However, I wish you would elaborate on the value-for-money aspect as well. How much does it cost and has your daughter joined Eurokids as a Pre-schooler or in the Kindergarten group? I underst Read More...
Rated on ancyjohn's review
Rated on sudhakaramenon's review
Rated on sridhar.sukumar's review
Rated on poosathy's review
Commented on abhaydalakoti's review
Isn't this review supposed to elaborate more about the product as well. Good work on the brand research though and kudos for the source reference.
Rated on abhaydalakoti's review
Commented on jennythedog's review
Out of the three available reviews, I must say this was by far most useful. I wish you had mentioned about the cost factor because you don;t seem to have rated it at all. I am assuming that it was worth it.
Rated on jennythedog's review
Commented on parimal_v's review
Couldn't rate above SU for this review coz this is not all that I wanted to hear about the place. Anyways, thanks for sharing your views. It did give some useful info to begin with.
Rated on parimal_v's review
Rated on pushkaraj.wagh's review
Commented on faisal's article
:) Have to admit it that it comes across as a funny situation while you are reading it but, I can only imagine the hair-pulling tension you must've been through. The best thing that I take from this enlightening piece of yours is your mentor's quote, ''Your company’s phone number is like the front o Read More...
My attempts to reach Google India
Thanks to Manish, Aneetais, Haddock, ScoottY, nauti_dosco, Cousin2, bobbyark for dropping in their valuable comments. It ishighly appreciating and somehow makes me want to break out of the writer's block sooner. Had written this review a long time back so, i'm looking forward to reviews from others Read More...
Commented on tomas_in_hawai's review
This review would've been very useful if you could've given some more details but then, I guess you've broought out what you felt the most... I got the point. btw, was looking this up coz my friend's going for a honeymoon in their kodaikanal resort. wonder what to expect from that one now??
Rated on tomas_in_hawai's review
Commented on murukesh's review
Was curious about Shashi taroor, as a person in real life and thought of reading him thru' his work. however, this made up for an interesting and very useful review for me coz it's timely and now I know what to expect of it... that was a NEAT No-Nonsense Revu... liked it!! Cheers! ASHI
Rated on murukesh's review
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