Hi !
I didnt find any reviews for KC Law college and feel motivated to be the first. Completing my graduation in 2006, I had an urge to go in for law. I wasnt going to score 75+ in my bcom, so getting into GLC(Government Law College-premier law college in Mumbai) was out of question. Naturally , my hopes rested on KC Law. I had a special liking for this one coz it was in the same campus as my beloved HR college. So I would be completely at easy, the atmosphere, the surroundings, the crowd. Got into KC Law in end of june.
Campus : Falls in the same campus at Churchgate. HR, KC and KC Law share the same campus.
123, Dinshaw Vacha Road, Churchgate, Mumbai 400020.
The college is a part of Hyderabad(Sind) National Collegiate Boards chain of colleges in Mumbai and is a Sindhi minority institution.
Law colleges are stereotyped. They are dull, boring and unattractive. Nerdy crowds in formals attend law colleges. They dont fall in the same genre as the cool, hip undergrad colleges. HR and KC Law share the same building on all floors and have just a open door in the corridor to separate them. So being in HR, the other side was seriously eoow types. Destiny had planned for me to be in KC Law ( hmm .. ho) and here I was, a proud student of KC Law.
College admission is on merit ofcourse. This year, it closed at 60% for open category
College infrastructure isnt all that good. Unfortunately, it is miles apart when compared to its closest sistern concern, HR college. Classrooms are ok with decent lighting and fans but there are no proper toilets for the students, no proper drinking-water facility and the lift also goes out of service many times (antique lift hain na, isliye ....).
Although, the library has a good collection of books located on the 4th floor. The college has a photocopy centre on the first floor. The office is on the first floor.
The assembly hall too is on the first floor.
The college faculty is good, headed by Dr, Nilima Chandiramani(Principal). Most of the professors are good, cool and not stereotyped (read- boring!).
The college does participate in various inter-collegiate competitions and we do win prizes for it too .... Students Council has been formed, but its in a decrepit state as no one really bothers to work for it. Probably most of the people are working, thats the reason.
KC College has had a wonderful chance to work in association with the high court for Maharashtra Legal Services Authoritys Legal Literacy Campaign ... We have had a chance to go to villages to enlighten the rural masses about law. This chance was given to only 4 colleges in Mumbai and we are happy that we pioneered the movement this year.
Attendance is supposed to be 75% .. most of try to muster that much ....
frankly speaking its impossible for working people to keep up with all the lectures coz of their schedules. And as it is, with most of colleges assocuated with Mumbai University have a hard time keeping up with their attendance rolls in shape...
So heres a review on my KC Law , the college which is good but certainly has some drawbacks .....
Anyways, its upon us to make the college better and we are working towards that goal .. lets c .......