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Member Since:Aug 29, 2004
0 MS Points
. Music, reading, internet(im literally addicted to it), hanging out with friends ...
About Me
Education: P.Grad
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Young yet Mature!
Reviewed Telenor Mobile Operator
Uninor has pleased me, and here I am to write a short yet succinct review about the cellular services provided by the company. Cost of the Sim card: Rs 125 TRead more...
Superb - Value for Money - 100% recommended ;)
Reviewed MTNL Triband ADSL
I stay in the Dadar(West) area of Mumbai. Till last year, I used to have Reliance Connect service through mobile to get connected to the internet. It was paiRead more...
TRUMP kinda rocks .....
Reviewed Dolphin Mobile Operator
*TRUMP kinda rocks . *Yeah . just kinda . It doesnt deserve to be called the best . nor the worst. I have used trump back in 2005 and using it was a sRead more...
KC Law - my second home .......
Reviewed KC Law College-Mumbai
Hi ! I didnt find any reviews for KC Law college and feel motivated to be the first. Completing my graduation in 2006, I had an urge to go in for law. Read more...
Hutch Prepaid Rocks
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
I love mobile telephony and infact enjoy using it. Ofcourse, when I am so muchin love with cellular world, I talk a lot, send a lot of SMS and use a lotRead more...
Reliance - Totally Prejudiced Against !
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
Well, here I am again, ready to write about Reliance Postpaid Services. After a very very very bad experience with Sify Broadband , Read more...
Dnt opt for Sify Broadband - my last wish
Reviewed Sify Broadband Internet Connection
Starting the review on a bad note, I really want to say SIFY BROADBAND <SUCKS>. N y shouldnt it. It is really SO BAD !!!!! My tryst with Sify BroadbanRead more...
BPL Mobile(Mumbai) Campus Zone Prepaid
Reviewed Loop Mobile Operator
I surely am an amazing guy, not that I praise myself, but my friends so reckon ! Why ? Coz I keep on changing Sim Cards and my cell numbers time and again mucRead more...
Gawab Webmail - Simply Amazing !
Reviewed MyOwnEmail
Hi ppl ! Here I am, ready to write about an amazing webmail service www.gawab.com . The nameI know sounds a big unknown; yes it is unknown in India, for it iRead more...
ChorTel - do not make the mistake of buying it !
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
My earlier experience with Airtel (Friendz card) was quite good although this time, I have been bitten so much, that I have decided to simply not use my prepaRead more...
HR-House of Rankers/Romance
Reviewed HR College-Mumbai
Hi there !! Since I completed my HSC way back(not 2long) in MArch2003, thanks to my percentage, I got a chance to be a student of this very good rather the 2nRead more...
A nightmare - but fun though !
Reviewed Local Trains
Hey there ! Im a regular commuter by Mumbais infamous local trains. And sinceI stay in Dombivili ( for those of you who dont know where it iRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Kinda funny I'm reverting after a year - and how I wish I were paid but no! I'm not paid for any of mine. Sad no? haha! And thank you for your comments :)
Hi Shiva, The 1 Mbps connection on MTNL will give you a maximum of 150 - 170 kbps download speed - although they claim its a dedicated line, the speed is divided - I was on the 1Mbps plan and found myself non-content paying Rs 999 for a service that did not give me the desired speed. Right now I Read More...
Commented on priyanka.rani85's review
virgin phone may be good but virgin's network sux ...
Commented on praisedlord's review
I like this part the most ' Then you can use the same as paper weights or hang it in front of your house to waive off evil spirits :P ' Hahaha! :))
Commented on mini7's review
I'd say : Stop watching it and tell other like-minded people to do the same - once the TRP goes down, automatically, Ramji use uThaa lenge..lol! :)
Commented on madhavan8's review
howz the volume of the phone in terms of ringtones and music player?
Commented on Aye_say's review
Well written ... I think I am going in for a Blaze!
Rated on Aye_say's review
Rated on vj86's review
Commented on vj86's review
Excellent review! I like it a lot. Contemplating buying one for my mom,, :)
Commented on KittyQED's review
even though I have never faced a problem with Vodafone in the past 6 months that I am using it, I found your review hilarious. My sympathies with you for the problems you faced, the review was cool ! Me likes ... :)
Rated on RajSudan's review
Rated on saurabh486's review
Rated on afunnynut's review
Commented on impact's review
Totally agree with your review - I have surrendered my Airtel connection !
Rated on amarnath.mv's review
Commented on amarnath.mv's review
Yes. They activated 'Airtel messenger', STD at 1 Re, and some 'naughty jokes' service automatically on my number. The customer care is non-repentant too. I have decided to disconnect my airtel number. Vodafone has been very reliable in this respect.
Commented on anshusureshvyas's review
I agree. Totally. And for this reason I have decided to not use my prepaid number - waiting eagerly for MNP. Once that comes in, I'll switch over to Vodafone.
Rated on anshusureshvyas's review
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