This company management and feedback system is all fraud. MODUS OPERANDI- Every time you place a request a SMS is sent giving the complaint Number. With 02 days another SMS giving details of service engineer. If you call the service engineer, he will assure you to come within few days. And after few days you get a SMS that your complaint has been resolved. SURPRISE! Without anyone visiting you the complaint is resolved. COOL!
This did not happen once but repeatedly for many days
Finally on personnally speaking to the supervisor at customer support, this service engineer turned up(so Called Engineer). While servicing the RO equipment he broke my filter stand. Now a brand new episode started -
He didnt have spare stand, he begged and requested to leave him so that he can get a spare stand from the company. Till date he has not returned. Innumerable complaint has been lodged but in vain. Name of service Engineer- Eshwaran Ph 7418899277.(Tamil Nadu, Chennai). the company is not bothered about its reputation and is playing in the hands of some useless employees. The company deserved to be shunned. My sincere advice - Dont buy Kent RO, and if you buy then forget about servicing.