I spent a my year away from college in Kerala with my Ammachi (grandma) so heres some experiences Id like to share with you. I mainly stayed in the Trivandrum district, but once in awhile my trips took my too other sections.
If theres one good suburb off of TVM its Varkala. Varkalas known for being the hub of various Sree Narayana organizations. Sree Narayana Guru was a swami that professed equality and rights for members of the Ezhava sect (Untouchable caste) and though I think the man was incredibly before his time and was very logical in his philosophy, many of the organizations that carry his name and profit from donation boxes places before idols of him (which he greatly hated the idea- people praying to him was something he expressed discouragement about any such intent to do so and wish would not happen to him posthumously- oh well) are groups I dont support or encourage. There is however one offshoot organization that is purely for the propagating of Sree Narayana Gurus beliefs and thats Sivigiri Gurukala, totally separate from Sivigiri Mutt which has turned into a disgrace and an abode for sinners profiting from Guruswamis name.
Famous Varkala Beach is swarming with vendors trying to rip tourists off; head on over to nearby Kaapil Beach instead. You cant walk the shore, but its just as picturesque.
There are advantages to visiting the Sivigiri Mutt though: see the complete history and final home for Guruswami, including actual furniture that Guruswami used. Since the grounds are holy, some parts of the area there are no shoes allowed - such as the perimeter of the Gurus home (visitors not allowed inside).
The Mutt however pales in comparison to Aroovipoorum (spelled horribly wrong, but phonetically right), which is closer to the Tamil Nadu - Kerala Border. A little confusing to find, but if youre traveling from TVM head towards Kanyakumari and approximately 4 hours later by car (boy I love those Ambassadors) youll be at the place where Guruswami meditated for over years. This is awe inspiring to climb the Arrovipoorum Mountain and see the cave that Guruswami stayed for years living off of plant life and rainwater and meditation. The temple staff is great and extremely helpful. As with the Sivigiri Mutt, Aroovipoorum Temple also has a lunch for all those that are visiting during lunch hours- cause you know I love that traditional Kerala shapadda!
Coming back to TVM district. Theres great Temples all over Kerala and one of the ones I really like is Kooluthipoora. Offers great views to Keralas famous backwaters and offers its own legend and folklore just like many other temples. My picture with my cuzzes and I was take atop the Nagaroon Mountain Temple, which is like standing in heaven and looking down. Youre not allowed to photograph temples, but trust me, you dont need a photograph to remember these places.
Ive been telling you about lesser-known temples around TVM, because I know that most people only go see Padmanapha Temple in the city. Avoid it like the plague! Its a shame to even call that place a temple. A house of worship should only accept donations, but this temple actually charges people to enter it or even pray at the entrance. Though its gigantic and offers some incredible architecture, I discourage turning temples into a cash cow (pardon the cow reference). Im embarrassed that such practices exist at a Hindu Temple that old and distinguished (it was originally for upper caste Brahmins). Even entering the temple ghat (place where worshippers can either feed the fish life or bathe to cleanse the self of sins). Its outrageous.
Other temples to visit- Attukal Temple, family temples (for those of you from Keralian roots), and my Grandma! Shes a cutey and if you want her pic email me! About the family temple; my maternal family temple is said to house the spirit of my Great Great Grandmother and even has an sculpture to signal prayers- since Hindus are not idol worshippers, but people who are reminded who they praying to buy sculptures and artifacts, not that all different from Catholics that genuflect before the Crucifix and alter at church.
And I dont believe in letting non-believers into temples unless they adhere to the conditions of followers (bathing immediately before entering the temple grounds, barefoot, and not menstruating), which is usual temple policy.
PS This trip is best suited for people that are lapsed Hindus and need a little boost in the faith dept. Other terms are how I went and what I recommend, but nothing set in stone.