Based on the characters created by U & T– reads the end of the movie Kill Bill.
....or wait, was it the beginning?
If there is one guy who can pull off such a stroke in penultimate scene of the movie, then you guessed it right – it is Quentien Tarantino. Ever wondered where Kill Bill took birth from? - From Pulp Fiction. Remember John Travolta’s and UT’s date? – Where UT recites about her failed attempts at TV show aboUT 5 lady killers? Well, that’s where Kill Bill was born, bUT came alive a good six years later.
QT has been an obsessed film-maniac who thinks his audience is very intelligent, and like him is film obsessed. There are countless references in Pulp Fiction which you discover as you watch this movie again and again. I watched Kill Bill twice – The first time, I thought it was an obsessed freak gone haywire in his movies – I absoluteely hated it. My friends asked me to view the movie again. The second time, well, is another story. QT perhaps does this intentionally – he doesn’t care a hoot if his audience will like the movie the first time. For all he cares, he leaves it to you get through it yourself. An absolute freak, he is also a genius in film-making. While Kill Bill Volume 1 is all gore and blood, it’s the finer points that stand out in this movie. Yeah, we are still talking about the first part only.
So what’s the story about then? Simple – REVENGE.
The Bride was mutilated – she goes into coma, comes back and goes on a flesh hunt. That’s pretty much what all the script writers actually had to think of in terms of Story line. However, QT decides to play homage to Samurai, Kung-Fu, Hong Kong and Asian martial art movies of the 1970s. Much of the movie is homage itself.
Why you missed the glaring references to Game of Death did you? I missed it the first time I confess. I missed the ‘inspiration’ that movie provided to THIS movie the first time I watched it too. So what was Game of Death all about? A guy pretends to be dead in order to come back and kill his enemies. A ‘guy’ happens to be Bruce Lee, and sadly this was his last movie too. Slash Kill Bill – what’s it all aboUT – a ‘gal’ who comes back from death to seek her revenge ;-).
Oh you definitely didn’t miss the ultimate tribute to Bruce Lee in those yellow pullovers and pants did you? I missed, I missed it both times – thanks to my friends, I watched the ending 30 minutes again for that entire purpose. The Bride in Hong Kong challenges O-Ren Ishii, in what? – Yeah, yellow pullovers and tracks. Trust QT to throw it on you unawares. “If you get it, fine! If you don’t, I smile” seems to suggest QT by such antics. Why, even during the entire laborious ending fight with O-Ren Ishhi in the hotel – watch the songs in the background – they are hardly Japanese – But all mixed up versions of classical old songs. Why, QT ensures that one song merely is ooh-laa ooh-la types – you know just to throw in the spice.
But perhaps, where QT loses his way is the middle of the story itself. The animated rise to power of O-Ren Shii hardly made any sense, and it did nothing more than project the eccentricity of this director. At places at end, scenes shift to black and white for no purpose (OR, I didn’t get it – if you did, let me know). QT then also wastes a lot of time in getting his heroine all pepped up and ready for war. As a man obsessed with Uma, he wastes an entire reel on her foot thumb – yes, and entire freaking reel taking nowhere.
And Yeah, QT also goes into a gore overdrive. People get killed like raindrops falling to ground (does this constitute as a good analogy, o lord of dungeons?!), and lastly, QT amuses himself to no deal in the sword fights – a-la Matrix style, all with swish-swooosh, bUT, they hardly looked realistic to say the least, and nor are they interesting too. Except for one or two exciting moments, the whole exercise of sword fighting with hundreds of agents is a bore in itself – bUT QT revives himself at the end of the scene when the last surviving fighter quivers – the dialogue between the Bride and the Guy – A classic QT humor touch!
Yeah the movie has it all, its as incoherent as my review is (more I did say!), as self obsessed as this review is (or maybe not), and has all the QT stuff – witty dialogues and purely sneaky scenes which you are unprepared for. And yes, it ends on a tenterhook, (BUT la, Bollywood style I did say. Has QT decided to pay homage to Bollywood too? Err, that’s stretching imagination too far I guess). Without saying, I am awaiting tomorrow – Kill Bill Volume 2 hits the theaters. And I for one cannot miss it at any cost ;-)
Did you ever wonder why the Black guys in most Hollywood movies die first? You didn’t give it a thought really, did you? Maybe, you need to see Kill Bill Volume 1 again. As a passing reference,
Here is the list again:
The blood-splattered bride.
The rise of O-Ren Ishii.
The Man from Okinawa.
Showdown at the House of Blue Leaves.
(PS: Thanks carefreechap ;-))