Well this is my first review on this site. When I came to know that You can actually write your own reviews on this site I decieded to give it a try. And what other topic should I choose other than KINETIC LASER 170cc.
My brother suggested this bike to me when we decided to buy one. But I was a bit sceptical considering the performance of other kinetic bikes in the market. As everyone else I too thought of going for Pulsar or cbz. But since he had told me so categorically about its looks I thought of checking it out. To say that I was just bowled over by its looks would be an understatement. By the time I heard its sound I had already made up my mind. It is by far the most advanced bike available in India in its segment. The only one to have a full gear indicator. Double head lights, Sportz styling, Four valves, Five speed gear, Electric starts(optional), Disc brakes(optional), 15 bhp power, 170 cc engine and a mileage of above 50 kmpl for only a little over 53000 bucks .......... mmmm sounds tempting ?
Well for those who need power and pickup(0-60 in 5.8 secs) this is the one. Pretty well balanced it gives you awesome riding comforts. To me the biggest point is its looks. I bought this bike frm Delhi and while riding it on my way back home literally every one was staring at my bike. Mine is red in colour.The company has also introduced it in yellow blue and black colours. But the red one is by far the most appealing one. The oil indicator is some what mileading as it stays on for some time after switching the bike on. I have a strong feeling that this bike will take the market by storm. Especially since it has better control than pulsar and fierro.