Please note that the following article is very biased!
I grew up (and across .. :) ) on KF Beer (KF is the most popular way of ordering Kingfisher .. at least in Bangalore). I started drinking beer in Bangalore and about the only two standard beers avaiable then were KF or UB (United Breweries).
I have many fond (and some disgusting.. but still fond) memories associated with KF.
Among the many advantages of KF, first and foremost is that it gets you drunk (Very important !:-| ). Next well. Its tradition .. Lets go for a beer in Blore means inevitably KF. Here are some guys nowadays who go for Fosters and the imported variety..but for me and my friends its gotta be KF or nothing else.
Even in the pubs the beer on tap is a choice of KF, KF , and KF . You might think that I would have gotten fed up of drnking just one brand of beer.. but naaah.. I still like the beer.
Last year I was abroad (London) andgot a chance to try out quite a few different beers (Carling, Stella, Heineken, London Pride, ..etc etc). That was fun ..but when you want something to wash down Indian food theres nothing like KF.
Few warnings though
Never ever try it warm
DOES induce burping
The smell does not go away easily ( which I found out with disasterous results)