The packaged drinking water market has seen a huge boom in the last year or so and it may be said with a certain amount of confidence that the trend will continue. The number of players in the Indian market are also increasing and Bisleri though wants to play safe.. has a lot to think about as competition in the form of a Coca-Cola and a Pepsi (both with deep pockets) have arrived on the scene.
Coca-Colas brand Kinley is in the market and is also supposed to be doing how does it differentiate itself and make a person by a Rs12 bottle of water? Call it persuasion or playing on emotions or downright marketing...Kinley is investing a lot on advertising and to make the consumers believe in its brand.
The advertising ....if we look at very appealing ...I am here talking about the one where a little kid gives his mother, who is expecting another child, Kinley when she needs water and aslo for the little one yet to come.
The ad is emotionally very appealing and people go ga-ga over it http://www..what a cute kid ...and what a nice ad..!But what Kinley is cleverly trying to do is change the way consumers look at Water....its not something which is freely available...yes , it is ...but pure, safe clean water?? They are putting a question mark in the minds of the consumers....buying mineral water has gone beyond purchasing it when one is on the is entering the realm of the home...
Moreover, showing a kid to be doing all the action in the ad...Kinley is trying to influence kids , apart from the mothers, who are going to insist for mineral water when they are out or maybe even at home...
Hence, Kinley is trying to expand the market and increase the usage rate of mineral water...this means big money for the market.
All the players seem to have realised this and hence all of them are out with their guns blazing...with attractive packaging, sleek advertising which pull at the heart...but all this comes at a high price which the evolving Indian consumer seems to be ready to pay.