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Member Since:Dec 06, 2002
0 MS Points
Cheerful , sporty,passionate about things close to my heart, mature yet childish, romantic yet practical too, simple but can be complex ...I can be a mass of contradictions at times ! I believe that life is too short to have regrets so we should try our level best to do everything we dream of doing ...as time slips away without our knowing! . Sports,Listening to music, be it oldies or the hip-hop of today, English pop or ballads...I like them all...and frequently hum along too! In my spare time I most probably will be reading a story book...be it a mushy love story or a serious novel or an Archies! Or I am surfing the net ...:-) ...and ahem ...trying to write reviews ! Simple pleasures of life bring great joy to my life...to sleep under a cosy blanket, hot cofee in the cold winter, a leisured walk and seeing the sun set, feeling the breeze on my face, a game of table tennis, sharing a laugh....all these and many ,many more... make life worth living!
About Me
Education: MBA
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Love , Love me do...
Reviewed Five Best English Love Songs
LOVE: The irresistable desire to be irresistibly desired. said Mark Twain. And so true. Love is such so gentle and at the same time the most powerRead more...
Cease the moment!
Reviewed Kodak Camera KB-12
The camera is all yours...take as many snaps as possible.I have to see everything through your eyes and the pictures you take! My eldeRead more...
Call of the Mountains!
Reviewed Mount Abu
Mount Abu , a hill station and tourist attraction in Rajasthan, is situated on the Aravalli Ranges. It is an ideal outing for people who want a short break anRead more...
Take a break...Manali beckons!
Reviewed Manali
If you want to take a breath of fresh air , if you love the nip in the air, if you like touching your nose suddenly to find it cold,if you like to see your brRead more...
They call it Service!!
Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator
Hostel life is tough...specially when you realise that you cant hang on to the phone for hours and talk to your hearts content! Did you think that gettiRead more...
Do they deserve it ?
Reviewed Indian Cricket Team
Cricket conjures images of passion,adrenalin pumping and heartbeats racing, spontaneous joy and enthusiasm, packed stadiums and exuberant crowds dancing in a Read more...
What makes Life beautiful ?
Reviewed Life Is Beautiful
Why suddenly a review on a movie which having own the Oscars has already achieved the ultimate and must have received hoards of excellent reviews from criticsRead more...
An Experience of a lifetime!
Reviewed Tips on Hostel Life
I felt tears burn my eyes when I bid my parents goodbye as they left me among strangers and unfamiliar faces. But wasnt it me only who had with utmost cRead more...
A Classic that transcends time!
Reviewed Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
Jane Austen is aptly considered one of the best English novelist and her novels have cut across time and cultures . One of her best and most famous novels is Read more...
Calcutta...Past, Present ...and Future!
Reviewed Kolkata
They say Home is where the Heart is ...and though Calcutta is where I belong , that is the place I call my home ,that is where my heaRead more...
Its a Winner!
Reviewed You Can Win - Shiv Khera
After reading the book I felt that its amazing how alike people are across the globe...they suffer from the same insecurities and get lifted by the sameRead more...
Whats in a Mineral Water Bottle?
Reviewed Kinley Mineral Water
The packaged drinking water market has seen a huge boom in the last year or so and it may be said with a certain amount of confidence that the trend will contRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on pixie's review
Commented on pixie's review
Just wanted to add that yes, hostel life does add a lot of new dimensions in one's life...u meet ppl who r not wht they show, u meet ppl who change colours, who back stab, who cudnt care less...in this world it is very very difficult to find true frds..especially when one grows older! I feel that Read More...
Some of my favs are on the list and the way you wrote made me grin , chuckle, smile n lol all the while! Me aint getting much time to surf the net these days so didnt catch the article earlier... Take care ...n keep writing ... Pompy
Rated on teena_sri's review
Rated on limeice's review
Commented on premjit's review
Excellent Rev...I havent read this one ..though have read 'Fine Balance'..its on the same lines and also revolves around a Parsi family. Am looking forward to reading this one now after reading ur review. Take care Pompy
Rated on premjit's review
Rated on dennyjos's review
..but again a lovely rev! U sure like D'Caprio ..hahaha! Since I also like him I wont complain. After reading ur brilliant rev . I am rearing to see the movie ..but U know na..I just have to hold on for a few more days ! Kya karen life itna busy hai ! But will certainly take time out to watch this o Read More...
Rated on jilmil's review
Rated on suyog's review
Commented on ednajv's review
I really loved Lion King, Beauty n the Beast and Shrek. But u didnt mention Ice Age...have u watched the movie? Its a lovely one..brought tears to my eyes! Its a must-see animation! Pompy
Rated on ednajv's review
Commented on dennyjos's review
I got really scared after watching the movie...and infact we used to count the days! The movie is quite eerie..!! Good rev, Pompy
Rated on ashishb's review
Rated on vivekbp's review
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