Be healthy and make others healthy and cheerful –life’s mission
Diseases are both internally and externally caused. The surprising thing is that our body has the tremendous strength to deal with almost any kind of assault on it. The tragedy that we never allow our body to react positively to the attack .Sometimes it could be alleged that wea are abusing our own body by not allowing it the freedom to attack and the subdue the infection we get .Our immune system is very strong and we can survive with minimum help from the almost destructive medicines that parade in the field of medicine as the panacea for all the illness.
The one most important thing that one has to remember is that it is always god to be proactive than reactive talk about strategies ij all aspects of our life and read much about it in management books But we never attempt to evolve a strategy to live a healthy life. This is really a tragic situation. Most of he diseases s of he present day are nothing but the result of stress and strain that the modern style of life gift us liberally. Stress is necessary to a minimum level for motivating ourselves but in the modern context we have started living under tremendous stress which affect the whole body and in turn it affects our psyche. It is a vicious circle [work –anxiety-stress-tiredness-sleeplessness-frustration –depression –medication –hopelessness –resulting in change in behavioral patterns and ending in a wrecked situation. Finally, at the end of the day, in some sane moments you may think your life has come to nothing. But it will be too late .don’t you think so .But the saving grace in all these things is that we have always the power to keep ourselves healthy and cheerful with sufficient energy to protect ourselves and others.
There is a proverb which has lost its sheen but it gives us the structure for another saying which will never lose its relevance. An apple a day keeps the doctor away but rewrite it like this –A good thought a day will keep all doctors away. I believe 90%of our diseases are caused by our distorted living habits resulting in psychological problems which take us more time to understand .They are almost always psychosomatic illness. Sometime back I read in TOI a report from a Delhi doctor to the effect that call centers are playing havoc with the health of the employees there . This is due to the irregular working ours . the stress involved in the work, lack of motivation despite good salary .Many girls working there develop skin rashes, they lose their hair some become so weak and even thinking pattern is affected .This is not exclusively for this profession alone but is applicable to the modern working life. A little bit of relaxed attitude, realistic ambitions, taking life as it comes by without losing motivation .But every thing has to be kept under control .This may solve the problem to a certain extend. But one cannot avoid the occupational hazards. But one can always minimize it by adopting a different healthy style of living.
It could be a combination of meditation, exercise, reading and development of some hobbies, good interaction with people who think positively, of course always one should be on the look out for a less taxing and productive job which will give satisfaction.
Diseases are a reality but consider developing a positive attitude to life and discover yourself a method to keep yourself health and cheerful by adopting a proactive approach to life. Help others to become better human beings and in the process you will become a better human being with a sense of fulfillment. A kind word, a pat on the back, a word of appreciation, a word of thanks, a kind ear for others –all these will work wonders for you, your health and for the health of all around you .
Life is like lightning
Live it with its intensity
Giving light to all
I n our short life
Disappear into darkness
Perhaps to be reborn
A better purpose