Kodak cameras have carved a niche for themselves, thanx to some agrressive marketing. Well, Their KE series are handy, cause they r all automatic. Me, I have noticed one things with cameras. I like them to be easy to handle.When I mean easy, I mean I do not want a hassle of loading films etc. And The KE series are just that ..hassle free. But KB10 is another story. It is easy to use, I agree. But there is that hassle of winding the roll forward after every shot. And then the loading. You have to pull up the spool loader, and then only u can put the film inside. Often, it happens with amateurs, the film gets snagged inside on account of improper loading. So if youve got this camera free, its good. Else spend a bit more and get a total auto camera, wherein you have to film leader upto the load mark (while loading the film) and the camera does the rest. Well, why did I take so much time about KB10. There always is a reason folks.
Kodaks latest release (its either KB12 or KE12) works on the same principle. However to woo folks, they have included a small tripod with it. Itll be so useful for family portraits etc. But the twist is that apart from the new tripod, this camera works on the same principles as the KB10. It is not totally auto. And it is priced at 1000 plus. I am not saying it is a bad camera, but if you want ease of use, spend 800 more and u can get an automatic camera from canon. And Canon is anyday better. And I know from specific users that that Canon model is good.