This is the worst. No competition for them for this extraordinary incompetence.
The only word which describes them is the worst. I have to change English Grammar to qualify these set of people. No ethics, No Values. Their strategy to make money is very simple.
1)Charge very high rates even if you have a scrip worth Rs 2000 in your account, they will charge you Rs 600 plus service tax every year and if you do not make any transaction with the result that your bank account is being emptied for no fault of yours.
2) Other transaction rates are also much higher than other similar service providers.
3)This the best-They intentionally overcharge and make your billing complicated so that you will not understand and they can freely overcharge. It has happened to me twice. They included other charges and monthly charges twice which many people may ignore. After taking up with them, they promised to reverse these charges. They exploit the innocence of the customers to achieve their devious ends i.e. to cheat people and prosper.
4) I doubt if people like Uday kotak are reviewing their working. Totally unprofessional and a poorly managed organization.
It is best if such organizations are consigned to the offal bins of history.