I do watch the serial regularly although I do not agree with all the moves by the characters there. I am myself very deeply attached to my children and would not have parted with them at any cost. So when Tulsi sent her son back to the house, I felt it very strange. Now the height of ridiculousness is to let her son be legally adopted by her co-sister LIVING in the same house. Maybe the directors thought that they could show how great Tulsi was for this sacrifice. But they are also bringing out bad character of others involved there. All the family members could have strongly advised Aarti to adopt an orphan and save two lives. This would have shown the greatness of both Tulsi and Aarti. I pity Gautam. He is after all only an actor. If he was the real son of Tulsi, it would have been impossible to portray such a situation. His natural inclination towards his mother would have been very apparent.