Beware of Prathibha Shree Motor Driving School – Marathalli(Next to Coconut Groove)
Worse experiences dealing with the owner of Prathibha Driving School “Murgan”. I joined this school to refresh my driving on Bangalore Road. Our initial conversation was pretty smooth and the only reason why I went with this school was because it was on a walk able distance from my residence(Purva Apartments). I asked for a Hundai i10 vehicle for which he even charges extra money and I was really surprised to see even on the first day the vehicle I got was a very poor Esteem vehicle. The steering, clutches, gearbox and the wheel alignment, indicators everything was on a pathetic condition and there was unbearable sound in the vehicle. I asked the instructor and he said from tomorrow onward you would be given i10. So I decided to go ahead with the first class despite the poor condition of the vehicle.
Later I had given properly to the owner who promised to send i10 next day but to my surprise it was again the same vehicle. Since I had paid the amount in advance I was pretty much trapped and he wasn’t ready to return my money. May be it was a mistake done from by giving him the money but there wasn’t any choice left and I ended up going ahead with the same vehicle even on the second day.
For the third day I fought with him and he promised to send i10 but the story was the same. I was told by the instructor that the owner wasn’t feeling well and got admitted to the hospital hence couldn’t arrange the vehicle which you demanded. Not sure if he was lying or telling the truth!
Later the owner “Murgan” stopped picking my calls but some how I got hold on someone who was taking from his cell who started the story all over again, connected me to the instructor of i10 who also tried convincing many things but he did mention the vehicle is free only after a day I said fine I will wait for it.
But to my surprise for the fourth class I see the same bloody vehicle, I spoke to the owner and he wasn’t ready to listen to me went to his shop and when asked he started blabbering saying there is not much difference between i10 and esteem so what’s the problem.
I was really zapped with his behavior and surprised to know he has just changed his words not only that he started talking like a rowdy(if you have problems don’t come for the class). He just went rude without even realizing his mistakes. Looking at this instance even my instructor started convincing him that I had expressed my interest towards i10 vehicle but the owner “Murgan” didn’t even want to listen to his own staffs. Later I decided this is not a place I would ever want to spend more time. I really wonder with such worse vehicles how these school even gets their license to run their shops. I am sure they would have found loopholes to get the permissions but it gives a very wrong impression to the beginners especially with the pathetic vehicles these schools have.
It was utter crappy place owned by cheaters and I request people who are planning to join Prathibha Driving School to be extra cautious. If you find a better option please go for it than getting trapped with cheaters like Murgan! Good Luck.