If you are going to drive for the first time learn from my experience.
I have driven Scooters, mopeds & bikes since 1991 on a daily basis averaging 20km/day. I drove cars in US around 50K miles when I am there.
I will only cover Indian driving for the sake of fun.
From what I observed these are the following things to note.
1) Our roads are too narrow and the large vehicles drive to the right of the road so
two wheelers have no way to go other than overtake via left lane.
2) Honking is the safest way to get the attention of your fellow road users.
Keep honking every millisecond you are in/ on a vehicle.
Or else you can try the screeching sound of tires and a thud. Belive me it is not safe.
3) Fear cyclists more than the four/ six wheelers. They cut your line of motion for keeping their balance at all times.
4) The slow & polluting big 6 wheeler has a driver who always meets a friend
who also has the same type of vehicle in the middle of a high traffic cross road. They can only hear themselves and are oblivious of other road users.
5) Traffic constables are always on the lookout for Gandhi slips. Always avoid them.
6) Speeding is the only way to avoid traffic jams.
7) Rear view mirrors of Bikes are meant to be broken or removed.
8) The loudest Auto has the right of way.
9) There is no such thing called low-beam headlight.
10) If you want to wear black to a party start at your home by wearing white.
11) If you cant see the road because of oncoming high beam light then you should switch on your high beam(the only beam).
12) High tax payers get the least amount of road and those who dont pay any tax own the roads.
13) You will most likely drive on roads with huge pits or huge pits with small roads.
14) In every accident the large vehicle is at fault by default.
Happy driving.