It was a choice of buying another cartridge for my older Lexmark, which still worked fine but was slow and noisy, or blowing money on a new one. Ever the cheapie, I opted for the Z43 as it only cost me $45 more than the ink cartridge for my old machine would have done. My husband wanted to go with a laser printer, but I really couldnt justify that expense. So, the Z43 it was. Cheap machine at $99, came with black and colour cartridges - I thought I had a bargain! I still feel the same way. This is a no-frills machine, yet it prints clear copies, quickly and efficiently and has done marvellously well on the reprints of old photographs, which I have been doing a lot of recently. I was really surprised - I had expected it to not perform as well as a more expensive machine, but to be honest, I cant see any deficiencies at all.
I like Lexmark because they are the everyday people version of IBM - one of those dinosaurs of the printing world. They evolve with the times and create solid products that can handle the workload that you put on them. A solid piece of equipment + reasonable price =Lexmark Z43. If you are looking for a new printer, you really cant go wrong if you choose this machine.