On first sight I loved the looks, design and best part is aspect ratio. The phone is good to hold in hand and easy to operate because of perfect size and aspect ratio it has.
Then the sales guy showed me some features like tap screen lock pattern, multi focus camera etc. And I loved hearing about those features, and that was the biggest mistake.
I bought the phone hearing about all this, but what I missed was to check the internal memory, which is the biggest need to time and biggest flaw in this phone.
LG claims to have 4 GB internal memory but never even fell in this false promise. The phone memory is mostly used by them for their OS and pre installed apps. And you can never uninstall those applications that come already installed there.
At the end you will be left with just 1.4 GB of internal storage, which will get filled up when you install 4-5 necessary apps. And then all the time storage warning and no freedom to even install desired apps.
What is the point of having smart phone when you can not have desired apps installed.