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Member Since:Jul 28, 2016
280 MS Points
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They fulfill everything they claim
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
They make big claims on Advertisements and you find the ground reality when you are on ground with airtel sim in your mobile. Best Parts of their claims are,Read more...
Total Bureaucracy and no transprency
Reviewed State Bank Of India
Its not a wish but a necessity to have an account in a government bank. Many government websites only accept online payment with state bank options, noRead more...
Always short of memory
Reviewed LG Optimus L70
On first sight I loved the looks, design and best part is aspect ratio. The phone is good to hold in hand and easy to operate because of perfect size and aspeRead more...
Just avoid it
Reviewed The Gazebo World of Veg - Pimpale Gurav - Pune
The ambiance, the location & the special menu board placed near door; everything will catch your eye. But those are just wrapper. What a restaurant must haveRead more...
Theoretical features, practical failure
Reviewed Motorola Moto G4 Plus 16GB
The stock android, fastest camera, moto sense, advanced configuration etc etc. All these are theoretical features and in reality you feel cheated. I was notRead more...
Cheap components and worst "Jugaadu" service
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 3
With the hypes I have heard and obviously the configuration of the phone I felt this would be the best. But that was a total mistake. The cheapest quality I Read more...
Nice Location and ambience, avoid night parties
Reviewed Mezza 9 - Hinjewadi - Pune
The Location is nice and makes it easy for people to go there for office parties but avoid the same during rush hours. There will be too much traffic that wiRead more...
Be careful while parking
Reviewed McDonald's - Pimple Saudagar - Pune
The food is as McD mostly has. They are so crowded during weekends and peak hours that finding a place is difficult. Ambiance is good, place is clean, varietRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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