Oh yes-Livon Silky Potion, the hair fluid with Vitamin E gives a silken feel & the hair feels smooth after its application.I have been using Livon right from the time it came into the market & have stuck by it.
True to its advertisement, its application makes the hair tangle-free and easy to comb out.I use it only after Ive washed my hair and not daily.
Some tips that I would like to share :
Should to be applied while your hair is wet and pls, not liberally like oil- when I apply to dry hair, it gives an oily look & one normally tends to use more quantity.
(Of course, it may also depend on the hair type from person to person)
Use your fingers to massage lightly just after youve applied Livon - DO NOT USE COMB or GLIDE YOUR FINGERS or RUB YOUR HAIR - if you do - clumps of hair strands will come out !! (at least in my case, it does)
- in a way Livon strictly follows the golden rule about the harmful effects of combing wet hair.
Initially when I noticed this, I almost panicked but have been loyal to the product till today simply because:
very convenient esp.if you are in a hurry to comb your hair after a wash - believe me but most of the time, after applying Livon, I just use my fingers to comb my hair and my hair is thick !!
the silky and smooth effect on my hair lasts for a day.Livon has no smell, non-greasy and no visible side-effects yet.
Livon comes in a neatly packaged unbreakable bottle and is priced at 140/- for a 100 ml bottle.Given the convenience and benefits of using Livon, I feel the price is economical.
Is Livon safe for hair? - honestly, I do not know nor have given much thought to this but yes , theres a wee bit of doubt about Livon may be having some magical ingredient that makes the hair so easy and knot-free!! Will some one help me on this before its too late to croon about my crowning glory ?? - :o)