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Member Since:Aug 19, 2003
0 MS Points
Life is one LONG list of priorities at the moment !! I promise to catch up with the rest of u sometime very soo...oon............ . Music,Wildlife,Watching movies,Reading,window shopping for curios and other artworks
About Me
Education: MCA
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Anything BUT.........
Reviewed Innovative Multiplex - Marathahalli - Bangalore
I am a movie addict but just dont have time to watch them in cinema halls & spend so much time cooped in the dark, without being able to fast-forward thRead more...
Branded vs Assembled??
Reviewed General Tips on an Electric Chimney
Before moving into my own house, Id already decided on investing in an electric chimney- therefore, went about looking at different brands of these avaiRead more...
Sorry State
Reviewed Bombay Store - Bangalore
Pathetic is just one of the words that can be described for Bombay Store, Bangalore. I had been a loyal BS customer since it opened in the city but my latest Read more...
Yeh Reshmi Jhulfen...............
Reviewed Livon - Silky Potion
Oh yes-Livon Silky Potion, the hair fluid with Vitamin E gives a silken feel & the hair feels smooth after its application.I have been using Livon right from Read more...
Three cheers to Barkha !!
Reviewed We the People - TV Serial NDTV 24x7 TV Channel
We the people is one of the few must-see programmes on my Sunday routine.A programme which focusses on the current & debatable issues, and involveRead more...
Mumbo-zumbo with Anisha
Reviewed Night out
The night out section is focussed totally on the fashion shows,celebrities, music and hi-fi neo-rich eateries in Mumbai or Delhi. This is one program which haRead more...
Store of Convenience
Reviewed Nilgiris Super Market - Bangalore
The Nilgiris departmental store on Brigade Road is my store of convenience- within walking distance from my office,easy to access and is located oRead more...
A name called 'Greed' Tendulkar
Reviewed Sachin Tendulkar
I am an ardent admirer of Sachins game but sadly this fracas about waiving off customs duty has redeemed his reputation and self-respeRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on rhtml's review
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Commented on broy1's review
Hey,I found some of the info quite handy & useful esp.with number of them available in the mkt these days - keep writing mate!! All the best
Rated on broy1's review
Commented on kamini's review
Look, abt Ferari issue,I agree with you but you need to really tone down your language before you write reviews.Whatever said,Sachin Tendulkar is undoubtedly a great batsman and inspite of totally disapproving his asking for a waiver etc, it hurts when you use words such as 'moron' ... BTW, am abso Read More...
Rated on kamini's review
Rated on kalil.rahman's review
Commented on bharat5's review
Your idea about ducting seems quite useful & as I have just shifted into my own house, I personally would rather spend money on something like this as kitchen should be the most comfortable place while cooking & in any average Indian middle-class household, women spend 60% of their time in t Read More...
Rated on bharat5's review
Commented on TheSaint's review
I was almost getting conned into earning Bazee points for myself just in order to Maxbid for a Home Theatre system..... keep writing All the best
Rated on TheSaint's review
Rated on sameer_pln's review
Commented on jrohit's review
Your auto reviews were really useful to go thro' - keep writing more - wanted review on Optra-AT
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Rated on moonraker's review
Rated on rnbalala's review
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