Azzharuddin has been one of my favourite cricketers ever since I watched my first cricket match. The way he carried himself off-field also impressed me very much.
He has been the best Indian Captain till date. Its agreed that he had communication problems with fellow players but still I think theres no Indian captain whos done a better job than Azzharuddin.
I still do not believe that Azzharuddin took bribes fro playing not to his potential. I think there are more instances when he has saved India when it mattered than there are of any other contemporary Indian. I still can see a livid Azzharuddin standing his ground in dhaka in the independence Cup final against Pakistan and not agreeing to leave the ground though it was obvious there was not enough light. How can you accuse a guy who was as dedicated as Azhar of being involved in such activites.
I can understand the way Azhar behaved and complained of being treated the way he was because of being from the minority community. Its only but natural that a person in his position believes he is being harrassed due to communal reasons when he sees that all of a sudden he is being accused of being involved in betting and other malpractices.
My full sympathies are with him.
I simply luvved the Pepsi Ad of Azhar in which it shows that Azhar was the constant factor in the INdian world Cup team.
Well I believe that Azhar should be brought back to the indian team after a conditioning camp and made the captain since he is the best.