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Member Since:Jan 21, 2003
0 MS Points
I am a simple guy (and sadly single too) with simple thoughts and simple ambitions. I believe simplicity has beauty and beauty can't be without simplicity. born and brought up in Bhubaneswar I now study Architecture at IIT KGP. Have got little to repent and little to change about myself. Really enjoy the way I am.. Various.....my interests include almots everything...... right from palmistry to philately to numismatics to WWF and the WWF trump crad collection. even write poems sometimes. I was ,till two years ago, a very ardent fan of cricket. Have tried to pluck the strings of a guitar and beat the skins of a drum- with little succes. Always love to sing something or the other(of course I brave all the vehement protests and therats from my friends) .Liked to paint and draw. gals never interested me too much to get into the interests list and if you want to read between the lines I cant help it.
About Me
Education: I Know It All
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SIM? SIM. SIM! I want an AIRTEL one...
Reviewed Khul Ja Sim Sim!
Ok...Lets see...One thing at a time... The Concept: What were they thinking when they made the series? Well it was just jumping on the game show bandwaRead more...
Everything Foggy
Reviewed Dhund
I guess the minds of the producer, director, actors and anybody who was involved in the thing(of course it cant be labelled as a movie) must have been fRead more...
Move Over Make Way.........
Reviewed M. Azharuddin
Azzharuddin has been one of my favourite cricketers ever since I watched my first cricket match. The way he carried himself off-field also impressed me very mRead more...
Am I the only one
Reviewed Jism
This movie is BAAAAAD. I couldnt stand the first hour to go onto the next . Minutes move like ages when you see this utterly disgusting vulgar and sensRead more...
Forgive me God ...I saw it
Reviewed Wah! Tera Kya Kehna
Sorry I saw this movie. I saw the rushes and preeti jhangiani looked sweet and I have a childhood affection for govinda. But the movie is insane. And even inRead more...
Hollywood mein Kuch to Hai
Reviewed Kucch To Hai
Theres something about Hollywood. That is the message this movie seems to deliver. How else do you explain such a varied lot of movies of movies being iRead more...
Holly Bolly different woods same tree.....
Reviewed Bollywood Hollywood
The Impresson :A different kind of Indian English Movie. The Movie: A very decent movie. The movie is about a multimillionaire Rahul Seth and an escort/prostRead more...
A cosy theater for the family movie goers
Reviewed Globus Cinema - Bandra - Mumbai
Globus definitely is oe of the cosiest theaters I have ever been to. The seating gives you the feel of being at home. The movies are also usually selected to Read more...
An off-beat mainstream movie
Reviewed Saathiya
One of the best hindi movies in recent times saathiya has managed to do the almost impossible by being an off-beat mainstream movie. It has all the ingredientRead more...
KGP ka Tempo High Hai
Reviewed Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur
Undoubtedly one of the best places for education in India, IIT KGP is the perfect place for freedom to do your thing(not in academics of course) The campus lRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on shreyabha's review
Rated on enticer_man's review
Rated on khushiks's review
Commented on khushiks's review
The funda is good but put in the wrong place. Why put it in two parts under 20 best and 5 worst bikes, when you havent actually reviewed any bike? All you have done is list out categories and speak on yourself?(what are the prfofiles for?)
Rated on Koshish's review
Commented on Koshish's review
I dunno why you can't give a not useful rating without giving a comment? I dint like the review and neither the movie. No plot. No acting. Only war and lots of curse words...now what is that?
Commented on iyerarchi's review
yeah i liked it when you mailed it but i read it all over again...I should leave MS takes up heck of a lot of time
Rated on iyerarchi's review
Now what is a formula? Its a way to find out a solution given the inputs required. So in this case if one has givent the inputs correctly the solution be right if the formula is correct. If you use the formula correctly then the movie ought to be right. There nothing wrong with formula. It fails onl Read More...
Rated on navrip111's review
Commented on navrip111's review
too long a review and reviews more the reviewer than the movie itself
Commented on mouthshutdotcom's review
arre muneeb bhai...sometimes change ur format yaar...you are bcoming too predictable...
Followed nikamma1112
Rated on nikamma1112's review
Followed medhekars
Rated on bhatt99's review
Commented on own review
so how can only this much be enough??? :) Its nothing serious anita. Its all in good humour. In fact I feel like falling in love with esha. You know how they show in movies first the quarrels and then the boy and gurl fall deeeeeeply in love. I am a big believer in bollywood miracles. :)) Sunny
Commented on esha_24's review
Hi huni! Not exactly a great rev. yeah true that MKKH was a hit. but this movie didnt turn out as hot. Keep up ur rev writing. Sunny
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