Gosh ... I have heard this numerous times, it is the worst. Being brought up overseas, I have never come accross such useless service, ever. It is a no choice situation, that is why people opt for MTNL. Well, I will rephrase, it is not so bad, but, it is not good. Now, things are looking better, where consumers, will be given a choice to choose their service provider, with all the private companies now coming in the TELECOM scene.
But, I must say that service surely has improved than it was 3 - 5 years back. Now, if you want a International call, you get it in flat 5 seconds. there was a time, where you book the call, and they will call you back and connect the line to you, when actually the person forgets what he had to talk about to the person he booked the call for. This is no exagerration, this is absolutely true. I know all of you have experienced the same thing. If you call the customer service it feels you have called the local baniya ka shop.
I dont want to agitate the MTNL people, but, boss it is 2002, improve, and see where the Americas and Singapores are. Theor service is fantastic, with surely no comparison to MTNL.
If MTNL, cannot improve on any aspect, atleast for Gods sake they should atleast respond to complaints, we have our one of the lines dead for the past 3 months, but, what is the use, after numerous complaints, all they say, is that it will be done in the evening, but, the evening for them means WHO CARES ???