Six months...
Have completed 10 K miles and second service.
The truck has been running really well !
A few squeeks here and there but nothing to loose sleep about (touch wood !).
The mileage ranges between - 12.5 to 13.25 KPL...in a mixed driving of H/W and city...main run is from Thane to Mumbai...and back on week days and a little bit of weekend trips.However since I travel a lot out of town and the veh. doesnt run on those days and so the overall odo reading doesnt show high usage.The daily run is about 85 KMs.
All the features in the SLX are fairly good and helpful esp the voice assist warnings...couple of times helped to tie the seat belt before the cops could latch on to me !
The engine rocks and the power at the fingertips (or toetips) feels great.
Great for long distance trips and I find the driver fatigue factor low.
No major complaints of the dealer services...though at the time of the periodic servicing one has to be very involved in the process and get the necessary actions to be completed by being very pushy and demanding...or else minor stuff gets left out for the agle baar !
Handling to me is not an issue...get to know the behaviours of the truck and treat it accordingly...
Robust, reliable & good looking is my current description and feeling of the bull.
Some areas of concern are : Fit and finish, small rattles and noises which are sorted out by and large in the servicing, quality of plastic in the interiors: rather inferior quality-scuffs are very common, even at the slightest of brushes, small glove compartment. Usability of the OE jack supplied is also suspect...have purchased my own jack which is much more user friendly...
Now with the all new Scorpio out the Q is should one upgrade or wait till 2007 for the Scorpio Hybrid...? Any tips here ?