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Member Since:Sep 18, 2005
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Zen - A tribute !
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Zen - Petrol
I write this piece on (my) Zen after everyone and the lamppost have driven it and have reviewed it or have atleast commented about it...so this piece I wouldnRead more...
Six Months...Mar '06 ...An Update
Reviewed Mahindra Scorpio CRDE
Hi, Six months... Have completed 10 K miles and second service. The truck has been running really well ! A few squeeks here and there but nothing to looseRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on indrajit_pande's review
Commented on vish12's review
Hi Vish, I think the M&M ASC in Bangalore has taken you for ride on the clutch issue...actually M&M had ordered a retrofit of the clutch assembly of the 2005 CRDes...which many of the CRDes including mine had undergone wherein 7 parts of the assembly - master cylinder, slave cylinder,clutch plate, Read More...
Rated on hunk_santuu's review
Commented on kaiserketkar's review
Well thats funny - I seem to know this guys you've ref. to this...HR chap...godforsaken company you say...well I'll need to talk to this guy and see what he thinks about it and...
Commented on own review
Hi Duttaranjan - We have a Scorpio Yahoo Group if you are interested. Send a mail to - Mahindra_Scorpio-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Its a very active, fun group with lots of learning and occassional meets etc. Do join ! Where in Mumbai are you ?
...You here too...? And guess who's this...? Nice review...keep writing and driving...
Commented on deepakalur's review
Hi Deepak, Nice review.Incidentally I had bought the CRDe SLX in Sept '05...black...whats your colour - black ? Well about the issue of the metalic 'thud' from the front left wheel...I get the same too...tried telling the service guys during the II service - but hasn't been attended to I guess...It Read More...
Commented on modernmukul's review
Hi, Thanks for the review. Could you please let me know the exact brand name of the inverter cum UPS and the name and contact particulars of the manufacturer...? Thanks...
Hi Neuronmaster - Yup you could call me Guderian or Heinz or Generaloberst or Wilehlm or Gunther as you wish...after all who taught the world the art of Blitzkrieg ? Ah yes am in hiding now after the troublesome times of May '45... Anyway coming to more pleasurable topics...I don't think the Zen if Read More...
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