Xuv is the good vehicle in terms of engine performance, it got a very refine engine which can cruise to 180-190 easily and will excite the driver to accelerate more, but for this speed the brakes are really week, one need to take the braking judgment before cursing to 180- 190 speed. If at sudden any thing comes in front then finish, the xuv will take 15-20 meters to dead stop from higher speed above 130. But now after 3-4 weeks of my ownership I have become use to with the brakes. My suggestion to the prospective buyer would be….. Go for xuv if you love speed and power but if you want reliability and accessories fitting quality then don’t go for it since it lacks fitting quality.
I am facing following issues in the 3-4 weeks of my ownership 1. On the third day of the delivery the left side passenger door was not unlocking, I have to take the XUV to M&M A.S.C and the technician change the locking circuit and then it started working. 2. In the second week the left side front door power window stopped working. The window glass is not coming down. 3. Braking is the major issue; the brakes will get applied when half the brake paddle is pressed and while breaking hard some weird noise comes from the wheels. Now I got use to with the braking but will show this at the time of first servicing. 4. XUV cabin is not sound proof; the outside noise will be heard inside even if all the windows are closed.
After facing this issues now I have doubt on the safety features too whether the air bags will open or not in emergency situations. M&M is marketing XUV as a world class product, but in my opinion xuv has a class but the product quality is missing. My advice to M&M is… XUV is the superb vehicle in terms of engine performance but please improve on the quality checks before delivering the vehicle and solve the brakes issues.