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Member Since:Apr 23, 2012
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Xuv has a class but the product quality is missin
Reviewed Mahindra XUV500
Xuv is the good vehicle in terms of engine performance, it got a very refine engine which can cruise to 180-190 easily and will excite the driver to acceleratRead more...
Karizma really rocks
Reviewed Hero Honda Karizma R
Karizma really rocks…. I am the proud owner of Karizma R from last 3 weeks. Previously I owned Pulser 180, it was my dream machine before the purchase and itRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
Mr Shblr92. Its not an orverconfidence, its my confidance and confident people don't requires god blessing they always win on their capabilities. God blessing are requires for people like you who are under confidance and always ask for heip from god. And if don't have an XUV, then plz don't buy boc Read More...
Mr .shblr92 . You don't need to pray for me, pray for yourself since sensible drivers faces more accidents due to their poor dirving capabilies.
Mr. shblr92 , I think you have not driven any higer end cars so far and i don't know what type of driver you are, but I do have confidence on my driving and from last 20 year i have not faced any accident and in future also will not faced ....... so in my opinion speed only kills those who are over Read More...
Its far better than Safari and sropio. In XUV is very stable at higer speed. I have done 190 on mubai-pune express highway but the major concern are brakes.
Commented on vinaykumarm's review
Tikona is fraud company, if you apply for disconnection they are taking 45 days for disconnection, in this period they will generate false bill and are forcing the customer to pay the biil. I think if want to teach tikona a lesson then we should get united and log a police complaint against tikona f Read More...
Commented on kris123456's review
I thinks the problem is were you park your bike, the parking area may have rats and the elctrical problem occurs continuously bcoz this rats bytes yours bike electrcal wires which leads in blowing a fuse.
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