When I was doing my MA, I had a professor who thought he was God?s gift to womenkind. Since he was one of the few youngish male professors we had, and since the class had 5 guys and 85 women, a lot of the girls thought the same. This professor ? let?s call him FD ? was writing a ?great Indian novel? and would spend a lot of time in class gassing about it. He also talked about a lot of other inane things and had some quirky mannerisms.
All of this inspired me to flex my own writing muscles and write a short story with the same name as FD?s ?novel? and turn it into a satire about him. My story went down brilliantly with those in our class who understood satire and who shared my opinion of FD as a gasbag. Which was about 2 people not including myself.
The rest of this review is available on my blog. I am removing it from MS to protect my copyright.